

《办法》是与《征管法》配套的、适应社会主义市场经济发展要求的一项行政法规。    The Methods are administrative regulations matched with the Tax Collection and Management Law and suiting the requirements of the development of the socialist market economy.
《办法》是我国第一部由国务院批准发布的发票管理行政法规。    The Methods are China’s first set administrative regulations on the management of invoices published with the approval of the State Council.
收取仲裁费用的办法,应当报物价管理部门核准。    The methods for the collection of arbitration fees shall be submitted to the commodity prices administration department for approval.
《办法》对发票违法行为作了较具体的划分,对各类违法行为的处罚都较《原办法》更为严厉;    The Methods make specific classifications of illegal acts related to invoices, mete out more severe punishment of illegal acts than the original Methods;
《办法》不仅明确了税务机关的发票检查权,而且使之具体化、规范化,以确保发票检查权的行使和对被检查人合法权益的保护。    The Methods not only clearly define the invoice examination right of tax authorities, but also make it specific and standard, so as to ensure exercise of the invoice examination right and protect the legal rights and interests of the examinee.
产品质量的验收、检疫方法,根据国务院批准的有关规定执行,没有规定的由当事人双方协商确定。    The methods of ascertaining product quality through inspection and quarantine shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions approved by the State Council; in the absence of such provisions, the parties shall determine the methods through consultation.
发票的管理办法由国务院规定”。    The methods of invoice management are stipulated by the State Council.
《办法》规定,发票应当套印全国统一发票监制章。    The Methods stipulate that invoices should be chomatolographed with the manufacture-supervising seal for unified national invoices.
《办法》规定,各省、自治区、直辖市的发票,应当在本省、自治区、直辖市内印制;    The Methods stipulate that the invoices of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall be printed within the concerned provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities;
《办法》规定,发票防伪专用品由国家税务总局指定的企业生产,禁止伪造、倒买倒卖发票防伪专用品。    The Methods stipulate that the special products for anti-forged invoices shall be produced by enterprises designated by the State Administration of Taxation.The fabrication and illegal trading in special products for anti-forged invoices are prohibited.
《办法》规定,省、自治区、直辖市税务局应当按照集中印制、统一管理的原则,严格审查印制发票企业的资格,对指定的印制发票的企业发放发票准印证。    The Methods stipulate that, the tax bureaus of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities should, in line with the principle of centralized printing and unified management, strictly examine the qualifications of the enterprise for printing invoices, and issue invoice printing permits to the enterprises designated to print invoices.
《办法》是依据《征管法》,以《原办法》和现行涉外发票管理的规定为基础,结合有关财务会计制度的规定,总结近几年来发票管理工作的成功经验,吸收国际上发票管理的有益做法而制定颁布的。    The Methods were worked out and promulgated in accordance with the Tax Collection and Management Law, with the stipulations of the Original Methods and the current foreign-related invoice management as the basis, and by combining with the stipulations related to the financial and accounting system and summing up the successful experience gained in the work of invoice management over the past few years and absorbing useful international practices in terms of invoice management.
现将《办法》转发给你们,《细则》和《宣传提纲》一并下发,并就贯彻实施《办法》的有关问题通知如下:    The Methods, along with the Detailed Rules and Publicity Outline, are hereby transmitted to you.The Notice on related issues concerning implementation of the Methods is given as follows:
?? 保险公司注册资本最低限额必须为实缴货币资本。    The minimum amount of registered capital for the establishment of an insurance company shall be fully paid-up in monetary form.
股份有限公司注册资本的最低限额为人民币一千万元。股份有限公司注册资本最低限额需高于上述所定限额的,由法律、行政法规另行规定。    The minimum registered capital of a joint stock limited company may not be less than Renminbi 10,000,000 Yuan. Where the minimum level of registered capital required for a joint stock limited company exceeds the minimum level prescribed above, such minimum level shall be separately prescribed by the relevant national statutes and administrative regulations.
前款第(四)项所称货币市场产品是指国际公认评级机构对其评级在AAA级或者相当于AAA级的货币市场固定收益产品。    The money market products mentioned in (4) of the preceding paragraph refer to money market products with regular earnings and rating of AAA or equivalent granted by an internationally recognized rating institution.
市或者区、县工商行政管理局(以下简称市或者区、县工商局)负责户外广告设置的经营资质审核和户外广告内容登记、监督管理以及综合协调。    The municipal or district / county Administration of Industry and Commerce (hereinafter referred to as the municipal SAIC or the district / county SAIC) shall be in charge of the examination and verification of the business qualification in connection with the installation of outdoor advertisements, and the registration of the contents of outdoor advertisements, and the supervision, administration and comprehensive coordination of outdoor advertisements.
违反前款第(一)项、第(二)项规定设置户外广告设施的,市或者区、县市政委办公室可以责令限期撤除;    The municipal or district / county office of municipal administration may order the removal of outdoor advertising facilities within a set period that have been installed in violation of Item 1 or 2 of the preceding Section.
市或者区、县工商局和市或者区、县规划局以及市或者区、县市政委办公室应当自受理户外广告设施设置申请或者接受申请材料之日起10日内办妥有关审核手续。    The municipal or district / county SAIC, the municipal or district / county planning bureau and the municipal or district / county office of municipal administration committee shall complete the formalities of examination and verification within 10 days after they accept the application for installing outdoor advertising facilities or receive the application materials.
市或者区、县城市规划管理局(以下简称市或者区、县规划局)负责本市户外广告设施设置的规划建设审核以及监督管理。    The municipal or district / county urban planning bureau (hereinafter referred to as the municipal planning bureau or district / county planning bureau) shall be in charge of the examination and verification, supervision and administration of planning and construction of the installation of outdoor advertisement facilities in this Municipality.
评标委员会成员的名单在中标结果确定前应当保密。    The name list of members of the bid assessment committee shall be kept secret and confidential before the bidding result is made.
分公司的名称应当符合国家有关规定。    The name of a branch shall be in conformity with the relevant provisions of the state.
依照本法设立的股份有限公司,必须在公司名称中标明股份有限公司字样。    The name of a joint stock limited company established in accordance herewith must contain the words ""joint stock limited company"".
民办非企业单位的名称应当符合国务院民政部门的规定,不得冠以“中国”、“全国”、“中华”等字样。    The name of a people-run non-enterprise unit shall conform to the provisions of the civil affairs department under the State Council and shall not use such words as ""China"", ""National"" or ""Chinese"" before it.
证券登记结算机构的名称中应当标明证券登记结算字样。    The names of securities registration and settlement organizations shall include ""securities registration and settlement.""
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