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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


申请人取得技术出口许可意向书后,方可对外进行实质性谈判,签订技术出口合同。    After obtaining the letter of intent for licensing the technology export, the applicant may begin substantive negotiation, and conclude a contract for the technology export.
证券登记结算机构以风险基金赔偿后,应当向有关责任人追偿。    After paying compensations from its risk fund, the relevant securities registration and settlement organization shall seek compensations from those who are responsible for the losses.
公司财产按前款规定清偿后的剩余财产,有限责任公司按照股东的出资比例分配,股份有限公司按照股东持有的股份比例分配。    After payments have been made in accordance with the previous Paragraph, the remaining assets shall be distributed to the shareholders in proportion to their shares of capital contribution in the case of a limited liability company, and in proportion to their share holdings in the case of a joint stock limited company.
税务机关收到纳税申报表和税款后,必须向纳税人开具完税凭证,办理税款缴库手续。    After receiving a tax return and tax payment funds, the taxation authority must issue the taxpayer with proof of tax payment and carry out procedures for the handing over of tax payments to the State treasury.
替代的仲裁员选定或者指定后,由仲裁庭决定以前进行过的全部或部分审理是否需要重新进行。    After the appointment of the substitute arbitrator, the arbitration tribunal has discretion to decide whether to repeat the whole or a part of the previous procedures.
国务院办公厅《关于严厉打击非法发行股票和非法经营证券业务有关问题的通知》(国办发[2006]99号,以下简称“国办发99号文”)和国务院《关于同意建立整治非法证券活动协调小组工作制度的批复》(国函[2007]14号)下发后,整治非法证券活动协调小组(以下简称“协调小组”)各成员单位和地方人民政府高度重视,周密部署,重点查处了一批大案要案,初步遏制了非法证券活动的蔓延势头,各类非法证券活动新发量明显减少,打击非法证券活动工作取得了明显成效,相当一部分案件已进入司法程序。    After the Circular of the General Office of the State Council on the Relevant Issues on the Strict Crackdown on Unlawful Issuance of Stocks and Unlawful Operation of Securities Business (No. 99 [2006] of the General Office of the State Council, the ""Document No.99 of the State Council"") and the Official Reply of the State Council on Agreeing to Set up the Working System of Coordination Panel for the Suppression of Unlawful Securities Activities (No. 14 [2007] of the State Council) were promulgated, all members of the Coordination Panel for the Suppression of unlawful Securities Activities (the ""Coordination Panel"") and the local people's governments have attached great importance to it, made meticulous arrangements, investigated a batch of major and serious cases, and curb the trend of rampancy of unlawful securities activities in advance, the number of new happenings of various unlawful securities activities has evidently decreased, obvious results have been accomplished in the crackdown on unlawful securities activities, and a large portion of cases have entered the judicial procedures.
公司弥补亏损和提取公积金、法定公益金后所余利润,有限责任公司按照股东的出资比例分配,股份有限公司按照股东持有的股份比例分配。    After the company has covered its losses, and made allocation to the reserve funds and statutory welfare fund, the remainder of the profit shall be distributed to the shareholders in proportion to their capital contribution in the case of a limited liability company, and in proportion to their share holdings in the case of a joint stock limited company.
超过提示付款期限的,付款人可以不予付款;付款人不予付款的,出票人仍应当对持票人承担票据责任。    After the expiration of the time limit prescribed for presentment for payment of a cheque, the drawee may choose not to pay the cheque. Where the cheque is dishonored, the drawer shall still bear the liability for the instrument to the bearer.
依照公示催告程序,人民法院宣告该股票失效后,股东可以向公司申请补发股票。    After the People's Court has invalidated such share certificate through the public notice procedure, the shareholder may apply to the company for re-issuance of a certificate for the share.
破产财产优先拨付破产费用后,按照下列顺序清偿:    After the prior deduction of bankruptcy expenses from the bankruptcy property, repayment shall be made in the following order:
破产财产优先拨付破产费用后,按照下列顺序清偿:    After the prior deduction of bankruptcy expenses from the bankruptcy property, repayment shall be made in the following order:
破产财产优先拨付破产费用后,按照下列顺序清偿:    After the prior deduction of bankruptcy expenses from the bankruptcy property, repayment shall be made in the following order:
收购行为完成后,被收购公司不再具有公司法规定的条件的,应当依法变更其企业形式。    After the purchase is made, if the purchased company no longer meets the conditions stipulated in the Company Law, it shall change its form of enterprise in accordance with the law.
经营人寿保险代理业务的保险代理人,不得同时接受两个以上保险人的委托。    Agents of insurance companies engaged in insurance of persons shall not accept delegation from more than one insurer concurrently.
本法所称垄断协议,是指排除、限制竞争的协议、决定或者其他协同行为。    Agreements referred to this law are agreement, decision or concerted action which eliminate or restrict competition.
招标人在招标文件要求提交投标文件的截止时间前收到的所有投标文件,开标时都应当当众予以拆封、宣读。    All bid documents received by the tenderer prior to the deadline for? submission set in the tender documents shall be opened and announced in public when opening bids.
各有关部门要相互支持、密切配合,确保这项工作的顺利进行。    All departments concerned should support and closely cooperate with one another to ensure the smooth progress of this work.
各有关部门要相互支持、密切配合,确保这项工作的顺利进行。    All departments concerned should support and cooperate closely with one another to ensure the smooth implementation of this work.
对检举、揭发或者协助查处违反外汇管理案件有功的单位和个人,由外汇管理机关给予奖励,并负责保密。    All entities and individuals who reveal, expose or assist in stopping various activities in violation of exchange regulations on exchange management shall be rewarded and the confidentiality of their identity shall be ensured.
各省、自治区、直辖市工商行政管理局外资处:    All foreign fund offices under Administration for Industry and Commerce of each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government:
在海南岛举办的企业(国家银行和保险公司除外),从事生产、经营所得税和其他所得,均按15%的税率征收企业所得税。?    All incomes from production and operation by enterprises (except for state banks and insurance companies) set up in Hainan Island shall be subject to the enterprise income tax at the rate of 15%.
从事开采石油资源的企业,在开发阶段的投资,应当以油(气)田为单位,全部累计作为资本支出,从本油(气)田开始商业性生产月份的次月起计算折旧。    All investments made during the development stage by enterprises engaged in the exploitation of oil resources shall, taking the oil (gas) field as a unit, be aggregated and treated as capital expenditures; the computation of depreciation shall begin in the month following the month in which the oil (gas) field commences commercial production.
各地对各类企业包括外商投资企业和外国企业,都应严格依照国务院决定和修改后的《中华人民共和国城镇土地使用税暂行条例》的有关规定征收城镇土地使用税。    All localities should levy urban land use tax on enterprises of all types, including foreign-invested enterprises and foreign enterprises in strict accordance with the decision of the State Council and relevant provisions of the revised ""Interim Regulations of the People's Republic of China Governing Land Use Tax in Cities and Towns"".
联合管理机构决定合作企业的一切重大问题。    All major issues pertaining to the venture shall be decided by the joint management body.
本法施行前设立的不符合本法规定的其他仲裁机构,自本法施行之日起终止。    All other arbitration organs established before the implementation of this Law and not conforming to the provisions of this Law shall be terminated on the date of effectiveness of this Law.
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