- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 招标人具有编制招标文件和组织评标能力的,可以自行办理招标事宜。 A tenderer who has the capability of preparing his tender documents and organizing bid assessments may carry out the tender by himself.
- 中标人不得向他人转让中标项目,也不得将中标项目肢解后分别向他人转让。 A winning bidder may not transfer the winning project to another person and may not break the winning project into parts for transferring them separately to other persons.
- 中标人按照合同约定或者经招标人同意,可以将中标项目的部分非主体、非关键性工作分包给他人完成。 A winning bidder may, as contracted or upon consent of the tenderer, subcontract parts of the winning project excluding the main structure and critical work to other persons to complete them.
- 中标人应当就分包项目向招标人负责,接受分包的人就分包项目承担连带责任。 A winning bidder shall be accountable to the tenderer for the subcontracted projects, and the persons accepting the subcontracts shall jointly and severally be liable for the subcontracted parts.
- 扣缴义务人未按规定的期限将已扣税款缴入国库的,由税务机关责令限期缴纳,可以处以五千元以下的罚款;逾期仍不缴纳的,由税务机关依法追缴,并处以一万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,比照刑法第一百二十一条的规定追究其法定代表人和直接责任人员的刑事责任。 A withholding agent that fails to turn over the tax withheld into the state treasury within the set period of time is ordered by the tax authority to turn over the tax within the set period of time and may be imposed a fine not exceeding 5,000 yuan; if the withholding agent fails again to turn over the tax withheld after the expiration of the set period of time, the tax authority shall pursue for the tax payment according to law and concurrently impose a fine not exceeding 10,000 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, the criminal responsibility of the legal representative and the person directly responsible shall be investigated by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 121 of the Criminal Law.
- 本法所称相关市场,是指经营者在一定时期内就特定商品或者服务(以下统称商品)进行竞争的商品范围和地域范围。 A “relevant market” in this law refers to the territorial area within which the undertakings compete against each other during a time period for relevant products.
- 1.易燃产、易爆、有毒等危险物品和易腐物品,必须在合同中注明,并提供必要的资料,否则造成货物毁损或人身伤亡,承担赔偿责任直至刑事责任。 a. Flammable, explosive, poisonous and other dangerous articles and perishable articles must be noted in the contract, and the necessary data must be provided. Otherwise, if any damage to goods or human casualties are caused thereby, it shall be liable for paying compensation and may even be subject to criminal liability.
- 1.由于保管不善,致使定作方提供的材料和物品损坏、丢失的,负责赔偿。 a. If due to improper storage the materials or articles supplied by the ordering party are damaged, lost or destroyed, it shall be liable for making compensation.
- 1.货物在储存期间。由于保管不善而发生货物丢失、短少、变质、污染、损坏的,负责赔偿损失。如属包装不符合合同规定或超过有效储存期而造成货物损坏、变质的,不负赔偿责任。 a. If improper safekeeping during the period of storage of the goods causes destruction, shortage, deterioration or contamination of or damage to the goods, it shall be liable for paying compensation for the losses. If the goods are damaged or deteriorate due to the packaging not conforming to the stipulations of the contract or due to the valid storage period being exceeded, it shall not be liable for paying compensation.
- 1.由于使用保管或维修保养不当,造成租用财产损坏、丢失的,负责修复或贻偿。 a. If improper use and safekeeping of the leased property or failure to maintain and keep it in good repair causes damage to or destruction of the property, it shall be responsible for restoration of the property or payment of compensation.
- 1.中途退货应偿付违约金、赔偿金。 a. If it cancels an order during the contract term, it shall pay breach of contract damages and compensatory damages.
- 1.未按运输合同规定的时间和要求提供托运的货物。偿付承运方违约金。 a. If it does not provide the consigned goods in accordance with the time and requirements stipulated in the contract, it shall pay to the shipper breach of contract damages.
- 1.未按时、按质、按量向承揽方提供原材料,造成工作延期的,负责赔偿损失。 a. If it does not provide the contracting party with raw and processed materials on time or of the requisite quality or quantity and thereby causes a prolonging of the work period, it shall be liable for making compensation for any losses.
- 1.未按合同规定的时间提供出租财产,应偿付违约金。 a. If it does not provide the leased property at the time stipulated in the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages.
- 1.因勘察未按合同规定的时间和要求提供原材料、设备、场地、资金、技术资料等,除工程日期得以顺延外,还应偿付承包方因此造成停工、窝工的实际损失。 a. If the raw and processed materials, equipment, site, funds, technical data, ect., are not supplied according to the time or requirements stipulated in the contract, in addition to accepting a delay in the work deadline, it shall also reimburse the contractor for actual losses from work stoppages and idling of the labour force as a result thereof.
- 1.产品的品种、规格、数量、质量和包装质量不符合合同规定,或未按合同规定日期交货,应偿付违约金,赔偿金。 a. If the type, specifications, quantity, quality or packaging of the product does not conform to the provisions of the contract, or if delivery is not made on the date prescribed in the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages and compensatory damages.
- 1.因勘察设计质量低劣成未按期提交勘察设计文件拖延工期造成损失,由勘察设计单位继续完善设计,并减收或免收勘察设计费,直至赔偿损失。 a.If, due to the inferior quality of survey and design work or because survey and design documents are not submitted in time, the work period is prolonged and losses are caused thereby, the survey and design unit shall continue to complete the designs and shall reduce or forfeit its survey and design fees and shall even make compensation for the losses.
- 有限责任公司不设董事会的,执行董事为公司的法定代表人。 Absent a board of directors, the executive director of a limited liability company shall be the legal representative thereof.
- 民办非企业单位接受捐赠、资助,必须符合章程规定的宗旨和业务范围,必须根据与捐赠人、资助人约定的期限、方式和合法用途使用。 Acceptance of donation(s) and subsidy(ies) by people-run non-enterprise units must accord with the aims and business scope prescribed in the articles of association and must be used in accordance with the time limit, mode and legitimate uses agreed on with the donator(s) and contributor(s).
- 根据新税法第五十七条规定,现对企业所得税优惠政策过渡问题通知如下:? According to Article 57 of the EITL, you are hereby informed of the following issues related to the preferential policies with regard to enterprise income tax:
- 根据《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》第五十七条的有关规定,国务院决定对法律设置的发展对外经济合作和技术交流的特定地区内,以及国务院已规定执行上述地区特殊政策的地区内新设立的国家需要重点扶持的高新技术企业,实行过渡性税收优惠。现就有关问题通知如下: According to Article 57 of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, the State Council determines to provide transitional preferential tax treatments to the high-tech enterprises under the powerful support of the state, which were set up in the special zones set up by law for advancing foreign economic cooperation and technological communication and in the area where the State Council has offered to carry out the abovementioned special policy. The following issues are notified:
- 根据当事人的请求或者仲裁庭的要求,鉴定部门应当派鉴定人参加开庭。当事人经仲裁庭许可,可以向鉴定人提问。 According to the claim of the parties or the request of the arbitration tribunal, the appraisal organ shall appoint an appraiser to participate in the hearing. Upon the permission of the arbitration tribunal, the parties may question the appraiser.
- 根据国务院实施西部大开发有关文件精神,财政部、税务总局和海关总署联合下发的《财政部、国家税务总局、海关总署关于西部大开发税收优惠政策问题的通知》(财税〔2001〕202号)中规定的西部大开发企业所得税优惠政策继续执行。? According to the relevant documents of the State Council on implementing the Western Development Program, the preferential policies for Western Development Program with regard to enterprise income tax which is mentioned in the Notification of the Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation and General Administration of Customs on the Preferential Policies for Western Development Program with regard to Enterprise Income Tax (Cai Shui [2001] No. 202) jointly promulgated by the Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation and General Administration of Customs shall be carry out continuously.
- 按照国家有关规定,公司向有关单位提交的营业执照复印件需要公司登记机关加盖印章的,公司登记机关可以在复印件上加盖印章。 According to the relevant provisions of state, where the copy of the Business License submitted by the company to relevant unit(s) needs to be sealed by the company registration authority, it can seal on the said copy.
- 帐簿、记帐凭证、完税凭证及其他有关资料不得伪造、变造或者擅自损毁。 Accounting books, supporting vouchers for the accounts, tax payment receipts and other relevant information shall not be forged, revised or damaged without approval