担心免疫系统会和(移植回来的器官)排斥 worry about having his immune system reject them令交通挤塞恶化 worsening traffic jams/worsening traffic conjestion/have an inverse
impact on traffic拜祭祖先 worship their ancestors崇拜、礼拜 worship (u)/(vi)(vt); attend worship参拜靖国神社 worshipping at the Yasukuni Shrine会依良心办事 would act according to his conscience会采取措施防止暴力事件重现 would adopt measures to prevent a repeat of such violence
几乎肯定会被判处死刑 would almost certainly face the death penalty会对判决提出上诉 would appeal against their convictions会加薪 would award a pay rise会拆卸改建豪宅 would be demolished in favour of luxury housing将会装上八达通收费机 would be fitted with Octopus system被迫采取工业行动 would be forced to take industrial action会遭遣散或调派做其它工作 would be laid off or offered alternative work可被判监一年 would be liable to imprisonment for a year可被判监一年 would be liable to imprisonment for a year供市民查阅 would be made available to the public将于三年内强制执行 would be made mandatory in three years可免受罚 would be spared punishment可免受罚 would be spared punishment无法达致收支平衡 would be unable to balance their books对民主派阵营有利 would benefit the pro-democracy camp最能保障市民的健康 would best protect the health of Hong Kong citizens会为两岸关系的发展带来突破 would bring about breakthrough in the development of
cross-strait relations造成政治危机 would cause a political crisis 语际翻译 版权所有
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