会引起国际关注 would cause international concern由建议沽出改为建议买入 would change his recommendation to buy from sell会如期关闭小型发电厂 would close small-scale power plants as scheduled会继续做地区工作 would continue his district work继续争取修订公安条例 would continue their fight for the amendment of the ordinance???
会继续强化台湾的本土情意结 would continue to deepen the sense of Taiwanese ethnic
identity会继续投资教育 would continue to invest in education会继续投资教育 would continue to invest in education会产生卷标效应 would create a labelling effect会产生卷标效应 would create a labelling effect估计可创造五万个就业机会 would create an estimated 50,000 jobs会为市场带来不明朗因素 would create uncertainty in the market会影响新闻自由 would curb press freedoms会加强董建华政府的危机感 would deepen the sense of crisis within the Tung
administration将未能偿还庞大国债 would default on repayment of its huge international loans绝对对我们的计划没有偏见 would definitely not have any prejudice against our project???
稍后会讨论配票问题 would discuss the issue of vote-sharing later上网速度会减慢 would experience slow service未能符合防火措施要求 would fail fire safety requirements会弃保潜逃离开加拿大 would flee Canada if released会全力协助主席交接时的过渡工作 would fully support the handover of chairmanship会进一步煽动回教徒的反美情绪 would further inflame Muslim opinion against the US可获全数分配 would get all the units they subscribed for会全力支持医护人员 would give its full support to medical staff会刺激公众讨论 would help stimulate public discussion 语际翻译 版权所有
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