会尝试促进民主派和中央政府沟通 would help to improve communications between the democrats
and Beijing会聘请本地毕业生 would hire Hong Kong graduates会立即戴上手术口罩 would immediately don surgical masks会为他的管治注入新思维 would inject new thinking into his governance会从梁锦松事件中吸取教训 would learn from Mr Leung's mistake会和警方及运输署紧密联系 would liaise closely with the police and the Transport
Department会流失好的员工 would lose good staff members不会接受一个中国原则 would not accept the one-China principle不会影响警队运作和士气 would not affect the force's operation or morale不会影日债券的评级 would not affect the grading of the bond将无法获得公平的审讯 would not be able to have a fair trial不会改变主意 would not change his mind不会吓跑外资 would not discourage foreigners from investing in Hong Kong不会为七一游行定性 would not give an official verdict on the July 1 march不会为了争取选票而作出政治妥协 would not make political compromises in order to win votes
不会惹人责备 would not necessarily raise any eyebrows不会对病人的健康构成影响 would not pose a threat to patient's health不会把所有的香港办公室运作都搬往内地 would not relocate all their SAR office operations to
the mainland不会加入新一轮的减价战/不会跟随对手的减价行动 would not respond to the latest round of price cuts
不会回去打理家族生意 would not return to his family business不排除会接纳庭外和解 would not rule out agreeing to an out-of-court settlement不排除在农历新年后会有更多酒楼结业 would not rule out further restaurant closures in the
post-Lunar New Year period严重波动楼市 would not severely upset the market拒绝揣测谁要负责及行凶动机 would not speculate about who might be responsible or the
motivation for the shooting不会宣誓效忠基本法 would not swear allegiance to the Basic Law 语际翻译 版权所有
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