香港是一个双语国际城市和商业中心,英语水平对香港很重要。 The standard of English is important to Hong
Kong, as a bilingual international city and commercial centre.全国最高立法机关人大常委会将会于下周五至四月六日的会议期间,就《基本法》附件一第七条和附件二第三条进行释法。 The Standing
Committee of the National People's Congress - the nation's top legislature - will give
its interpretations of Article 7 of Annex I and Article 3 of Annex II of the
mini-constitution at its meeting from next Friday to April 6.语文教育及研究常务委员会 the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research激活国安机制 the start of the national security mechanism国务院新闻办主任赵启正 the State's Council's chief spokesman Zhao Qizheng某人的臭史 the stories of somebody's notoriety马六甲海峡 the Strait of Malacca海峡时报(新) The Straits Times西部大开发战略 the strategic development of Western China学生动乱可能会失控。 The student agitation could get out of hand.被捕学生倘若证实有参与非法集会,可能会被监禁五年之多。而阻差办公的学生可能会被监禁两年。 The students face up to five
years in jail for being involved in unauthorised gatherings and two-year terms for
obstructing police.于六月和七月进行的一项调查显示,中学生平均每日花四小时看电视。 The study, conducted in June and July,
found teenagers spent an average of four hours a day watching television.盈富反应热烈,反映投资者对香港前景充满信心。 The success of the public offer of TraHK signifies
investors' confidence in the the prospects for Hong Kong.星期日商报 The Sunday Business最高人民法院和最高人民检察院作出司法解释。 The Supreme People's Court and prosecuting body the
Supreme People's Procuratorate issued an explanation.最高法院工作报告 the Supreme People's Court report最高检察院工作报告 the Supreme People's Procuratorate report手术结果 the surgical result命案疑犯于周日带警员往福荣街一单位重组案情。 The suspect led officers to an apartment in Fuk Wing
Street on Sunday for a reconstruction of the murder.虐打一学童至死 the sustained fatal beating and torture of a schoolboy台湾局势突告紧张。 The Taiwan situation had suddenly intensified.城中热话 the talk of the town政府可能批准大老山隧道明年一月加价,平均加幅达百分之二十四。 The Tate's Cairn Tunnel may be allowed an
average toll rise of 24 per cent in January.师生比例会较低 the teacher-to-class ratio will be higher师生比例会较低 the teacher-to-class ratio will be higher 语际翻译 版权所有
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