

科技热潮可能已成过去    the tech boom may have come and gone
影视及娱乐事务处过去两日收到二百九十宗投诉,投诉该周刊。    The Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority has been flooded with 290 complaints against the magazine over the past two days.
招标过程    the tender process
招标程序    the tendering process
由于犯人认罪,故获减刑三分之一。    The term was reduced by one-third because of Lam's guilty plea.
任期长度    the term's length
星期日新增一宗沙士个案,打破了近日的零感染纪录。    The territory failed to maintain its 'zero-infection' record as one person was confirmed to have contracted Sars on Sunday.
泰国总理他信    The Thai Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra
中美关系解冻    the thaw in Sino-US ties
今年游行的主题是「争取全面普选,反对官商勾结」。    The themes of the march this year are the fight for universal suffrage and opposition to government collusion with the business sector.
所谓「三个代表」,即中国共产党代表中国社会生产力的发展要求、代表中国先进文化的前进方向、代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。    The Theory of the Three Representatives maintains that the party represents advanced productive forces, advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the majority of Chinese people.
第十一届三中全会    the third plenum of the 11th party congress
三峡堤坝工程    The Three Gorges Dam project
三人工作小组    the three-person taskforce
泰晤士报    The Times
军演日期和细节仍有待军方和**主席决定。    The timing of the exercise and other details had yet to be decided by the military and President Jiang Zemin.
马桶    the toilet bowl
大型发展商    the top developers
政府高官班底    the top echelons of government
交通灯系统    the traffic signal system/the traffic light system
预料是次交易对两个行业有深远的影响。消息公布后,时代华纳股价上扬。    The transaction is likely to have major repercussions for both industries and Time Warner stocks soared on the announcement.
附属卡的签帐    the transaction made on this additional card
权力交接    the transfer of power
旅行代理商注册处    the Travel Agents Registry
旅游业赔偿基金    the Travel Industry Compensation Fund
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