- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 领土纠纷 territorial disputes
- 拓展署 Territory Development Department
- 恐怖主义已成为美国选民最关心的头号议题。 Terrorism has become the No. 1 issue for American voters.
- 恐怖事件 terrorist incidents
- 恐怖主义首领 terrorist leader
- 恐怖组织 terrorist organizations/terror groups
- 恐怖分子的支持者 terrorist sympathizers
- 高等教育 tertiary education
- 测试来自内地的花卉和植物 test plants and flowers imported from the mainland
- 测试曾荫权的领导才能和忠诚度 test the leadership qualities and loyalty of Mr Tsang
- 试射一枚可携带核子弹头的飞弹 test-launched a nuclear-capable missile
- 呈摇头丸药物阳性反应 tested positive for Ecstasy
- 呈摇头丸药物阳性反应 tested positive for Ecstasy
- 作污点证人 testified in court, under immunity for prosecution,
- 作伪证/作假证供 testify falsely
- 就该些会面向立法会议员汇报 testify such meetings in the legislature
- 以特赦证人身分作供 testify today under immunity from prosecution
- 就审计署的报告向议员陈词 testifying to legislators on a report by the Audit Commission
- 考验香港的应变能力 testing Hong Kong's mettle
- 睪丸 testis
- 经政府化验后发现该产品全无燕窝成分。 Tests by government chemists revealed it contained no elements of bird's nest at all.
- 验身结果显示他患有末期肝癌,只剩六个月寿命。 Tests showed he had advanced liver cancer and he was given six months to live.
- 进行检验查明黑脸琵鹭的死因 tests were still being carried out to establish the cause of the spoonbills' deaths
- 破伤风 tetanus
- 俄罗斯方块 Tetris