- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 加强了警卫 security has been tightened
- 若要吸引外资及重建国家,就必须确保市面安全。 Security is necessary if foreign investment and nation-building are to proceed.
- 证券市场 security market
- 保安措施 security measures
- 防卫联系 security ties
- 镇定剂 sedative/tranquillizer
- 煽动 sedition
- 看医生 see a doctor/consult a doctor
- 种子基金 seed money
- 视死为一切烦恼的终极解脱 seeing death as the ultimate relief to their misery
- 从电视得知有派米活动 seeing on television that rice was being handed out free
- 完成董建华的余下任期 seeing out the rest of Mr Tung's second five-year term
- 提出司法复核 seek a judicial review
- 判决前寻求人大常委会释法 seek an interpretation from the Standing Committee before making a judgment
- 判决前寻求人大常委会释法 seek an interpretation from the Standing Committee before making a judgment
- 求同存异 seek common ground while accommodating disagreements
- 透过内地法庭向他索偿 seek compensation from him through the mainland court
- 为战时苦难向日本政府索偿 seek compensation from Tokyo for wartime suffering
- 希望最终和中国大陆统一 seek eventual reunification with China
- 在中国西部寻求商机 seek investment opportunities in China's western regions
- 因为痛所以看医生 seek medical attention for their pain
- 找出危楼 seek out unsafe buildings???
- 要求赔偿 seek redress
- 开进避风塘(避风) seek refuge in the typhoon shelters
- 向社会报复 seek revenge on society