国务院港澳办公室 Hongkong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council香港上海汇丰银行 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp.香港电灯有限公司 Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd.港联航空 HongKong Express香港邮政 Hongkong Post香港网公布截至六月三十日的半年业绩,纯利劲升。 Hongkong.com on Tuesday reported a sharp rise in
net profit for the six months ended June 30.香港人较倾向维持现状。 Hongkongers are inclined to maintain the status quo.响鞍 honking their horns本州 Honshu流莺 hookers/streetwalker希望召集到一万名市民到中环集会 hoped 10,000 people would show up at a rally in Central
希望聆讯能防止事件重演 hoped a hearing could prevent a reoccurance希望分化美国和她最亲密的盟友 hoped to drive a wedge between the US and its closest ally
憧憬国内零售市场 hopeful at the prospects for the mainland retail market合和实业有限公司主席胡应湘 Hopewell Holdings chairman Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung荷尔蒙 hormones马头 Horse Head园艺学家 horticulturalist(末期病人住的)安养院、善终医院 hospice医院管理局 Hospital Authority医管局主席梁智鸿强调有足够人手和设施应付疫情,但深切治疗部会备受巨大压力。 Hospital Authority chairman Leong
Che-hung stressed there would be sufficient manpower and facilities to deal with the
patients, but that intensive care treatment would be under heavy pressure.住院 hospitalized病床 hospitals beds热朱古力 Hot Chocolate热键 hot key 语际翻译 版权所有
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