为一百尺范围内的用户提供无线上网的热点 hot spots that provide wireless Internet access within
a range of about 100 m热血青年 hot-blooded youngsters热香饼 Hotcakes毋须输入密码便可进入 Hotmail电邮户口log into Hotmail account without typing passwords
关闭 Hotmail服务器pulled the plug on its Hotmail service不断骚扰、纠缠 hound内务委员会 House Committee楼价连跌五年,不少业主身陷负资产困局。 House prices have fallen for five years, forcing many
home owners into the negative equity pit.清理门户 housecleaning家居废物 household rubbish家庭/户 household (n)/(a); Most households now own at least one
car./low-income/one-parent households房屋及土地政策 housing and land policies房屋署 Housing Department房屋政策 housing policy房屋 housing (u); We need more housing for old people/public/private
housing/poor housing conditions/ housing shortage/sub-standard/low-cost/cheap
housing/housing policy房屋及规划地政局 Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau休斯顿 Houston我的人生还有多少个十年? How much more of the next 10 years do I have left in my life?
杨孝华 Howard Young虽然盈利较预期为佳,但联想集团股价仍下挫一毫,相当于百分之一点五五,以六点三五元收市。 However, shares in Legend eased
1.55 per cent, or 10 HK cents, to finish at HK$6.35 yesterday, despite the better than
expected earnings.可是,该言论可能引起误导,诚属不智。 However, the comments were capable of being misconstrued
and so were unwise.荷尔蒙替代疗法 HRT (hormone replacement therapy)汇丰昨日宣布集团二万名员工明年会冻薪。 HSBC announced yesterday that all its 20,000-plus
employees would have their pay frozen next year.香港汇丰银行主席艾尔敦 HSBC chairman David Eldon汇丰控股集团主席庞约翰 HSBC chairman John Bond 语际翻译 版权所有
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