香港必须和珠江三角洲整合,才能和华北及华东竞争。 Hong Kong must integrate with the delta to stay
competitive with northern and eastern China.香港须建基于其固有优势。 Hong Kong needed to build on its existing strengths.香港网络电视 Hong Kong Network Television香港是全球以烧炭方式自杀比率最高的地方。 Hong Kong now had the world's highest charcoal-burning
rate for those trying to commit suicide.香港天文台 Hong Kong Observatory香港人是务实的。 Hong Kong people are pragmatic.香港人再度创造历史。 Hong Kong people have again made history.香港人平均每天用五个胶袋。 Hong Kong people use five plastic bags a day.香港房屋政策评议会 Hong Kong People's Council on Housing Policy香港永久居民可以在内地任何地方经营个体户。 Hong Kong permanent residents can open retail shops
anywhere in the mainland.香港管弦乐团 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra香港管弦协会 Hong Kong Philharmonic Society香港养猪同业公会 Hong Kong Pig Farm Association警务处 Hong Kong Police香港警方表示他们正和加拿大警方保持联系。 Hong Kong police said they were liaising with Canadian
counterparts.香港警方捣破犯罪集团,起出二十年来最大批枪械。 Hong Kong police seized their largest haul of
weapons and ammunition in 20 years after smashing a crime syndicate.香港政策研究所 Hong Kong Policy Research Institute香港政策透视主席黄昌荣 Hong Kong Policy Viewers chairman Wong Cheong-wing香港理工大学(理大) Hong Kong Polytechnic University香港港口及航运局 Hong Kong Port and Maritime Board香港摄影记者协会 Hong Kong Press Photographers Association摄影记者协会 Hong Kong Press Photographers' Association香港基层医护基金 Hong Kong Primary Care Foundation香港生产力促进局 Hong Kong Productivity Council香港教育专业人员协会(教协) Hong Kong Professional Teacher's Union (HKPTU) 语际翻译 版权所有
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