北海道 Hokkaido开生意高峰会/大谈生意 hold a business summit持有加拿大护照 hold a Canadian citizenship举行仿真公投,以决定应否进行普选 hold a mock referendum on whether or not universal
suffrage should be introduced举行公投 hold a popular vote/organise a plebiscite/hold a nationwide vote召开紧急会议 hold an emergency meeting举行作家签名活动 hold book-signing events拥有西方的博士学位 hold doctorates from Western universities高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜, hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory,就国家主权举行全民公投 hold plebiscites on sovereignty举行集会 hold rallies就战略性的经济和金融问题进行经常性交流 hold regular exchanges on 'strategic economic and
financial issues'占公园大多数股权 hold the park's majority shares举行非法集会 holding an unauthorised rally控股公司 holding company举行一人一票选举 holding one-person one-vote elections(在议会里)占有些微优势 holds a razor-thin majority(进行)谈判( hold) talks/discussions/negotiations长者度假中心 Holiday Centre for the Elderly度假胜地 holiday paradise到外地度假者 holidaymakers手枪皮套 holster民政事务局 Home Affairs Bureau民政事务总署 Home Affairs Department长者家居照顾服务 home care services for the elderly 语际翻译 版权所有
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