高度加工食品 highly processed foods路政署 Highways Department光通信主席重田康光 Hikari Tsushin president Yasumitsu Shigeta山火 hillfires/bush fires喜马拉雅山 Himalayas阻碍救援工作 hinder aid operations影响升职机会 hindered their career prospects印度教 Hinduism跟上潮流的 hip球窝关节 hip joint臀部/屁股/髋 hip/buttock海马丘 hippocampus平假名 hiragana西贡公路 Hirams Highway从保险相关行业聘请专才 hire some highly qualified specialists in insurance-related
disciplines聘请私家侦探调查这宗婚外情 hired a private detective to investigate the affair他的行动无助平息传言。 His actions have done little to quell the speculation.他钦点的接班人 his anointed successor张俊雄成为首位领导内阁的民进党核心人士,结束了**掌政的年代。 His appointment ended the era of Kuomintang
(KMT) dominance over Taiwan politics as he became the first Democratic Progressive Party
(DPP) stalwart to head the cabinet.他最大的遗憾是未能完成第二任任期。 His biggest regret was not being able to finish the
second term.没有人理会他的顾虑。 His concerns were unheeded.他的情况由严重转为危殆。 His condition deteriorated from serious to critical.昨晚他的情况由危殆转为严重。 His condition was last night changed from critical to
serious.屈打成招 His confession was extracted under torture.他的罪行不只影响受害者家属和亲戚,更将我国和邻国置于极度恐惧中。 His crimes not only affected families and
relatives of the victims but also threw our country and neighbouring countries into
extreme fear. 语际翻译 版权所有
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