肝炎 hepatitis乙型肝炎带菌者 hepatitis B carriers她的强硬态度让人觉得整个过程只是假咨询而已 her at times strident delivery has made the process
look ''consultative'' in name only演讲完毕,全场起立鼓掌五十秒之久。 Her comments earned a 50-second standing ovation.她病情急转直下。 Her health deteriorated so quickly.她的丈夫因为病情恶化,上周入院接受治疗。 Her husband was admitted to hospital last week as his
condition deteriorated.她丈夫被裁定一项教唆罪成。 Her husband was found guilty of aiding and abetting the
offence.在一个胶袋里发现她的内脏。 Her internal organs were found dumped in a plastic bag.她的学校社工 her school social welfare worker她在保安事务委员会会议的一番话,惹来多位立法会议员强烈不满。 Her statement at a security panel meeting
prompted an angry response from some lawmakers.她说完后,学生齐嘘,并且即场举手投票。绝大部分学生反对立法。 Her words were made to seem all the more
empty when jeering students at the forum overwhelmingly voted against the proposed laws
with an impromptu show of hands.预示…的来临 herald (vt); The talks herald a new era in East-West
relations./These talks could herald a new era of peace伊斯兰教中的异端 heretical branch of Islam疝气 hernia海洛英 Heroin海洛英 Heroin泡疹 herpes异性恋 heterosexual/heterosexuality乡议局 Heung Yee Kuk惠普 Hewlett-Packard7病毒可经口水传染,防不胜防。HHV-7 is transmitted through saliva and is difficult to prevent.
HHV-短暂的耽搁、中断 hiccup隐形杀手 hidden killer隐瞒事实/隐瞒真相 hide the truth高新技术 high and new technology 语际翻译 版权所有
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