楼底 height ceiling加强保安措施 heighten security measures提醒公众注意歧视的不良后果 heightening awareness of the harmful effects of
discrimination黑龙江 Heilongjiang极可耻 heinousness/heinous; a heinous crime后嗣 heir展开闭门内部聆讯 held a closed-door internal hearing在赤?角机场举行记者招待会 held a press conference at Chek Lap Kok airport坚持下葬时身体完好无缺(所以不愿捐器官) held about keeping the body intact for burial和官员坦诚相见 held frank discussions with officials举行首次公开展览 held his first public exhibitions是富亚的大股东 held majority shares in Asia Ford举行大规模造势大会 held mass rallies直升机场/直升机坪 heliport/helipad地狱 Hell有助于二零零六至零七年度达至收支平衡 help balance the books by 2006-07有助提升警队士气 help boost confidence in the force救济灾民 help disaster victims帮助真正的买家 help genuine home buyers帮他拉票 help him with his canvassing有助预防慢性疾病 help in the prevention of chronic diseases维持两岸军事力量平衡 help maintain the military balance of power in the Taiwan Strait
有助马英九竞逐下届总统选举 help Mr Ma if he makes a bid to be Taiwan's next president
帮助病人戒烟 help patients quit smoking帮助他们脱贫 help people work their way out of poverty 语际翻译 版权所有
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