历史事件 historical event历史事件和历史人物 historical events and characters扑某人的头/扑头 hit somebody on the head打击员工士气 hit staff morale撞人后弃之不理的司机 hit-and-run driver爱滋病是经由不用安全套的性接触传染。 HIV is passed on by sex without condoms.爱滋病病毒透过性接触、吸毒者共享针筒和母婴传播感染。 HIV spread through sexual contact,
needle-sharing among drug users and from infected mothers to their babies.荨痳疹 hives(黎巴嫩)真主党 Hizballah香港坟场 HK Cemetery香港殡仪馆 HK Funeral Home特区政府不会容许有人利用香港的言论自由和容忍,影响特区或内地的社会跌序及安宁。 HKSAR Government will not allow
anyone to abuse Hong Kong's freedoms and tolerance to affect public peace and order in
the HKSAR, or public peace and order in the mainland.香港电讯昨日开市后两分钟就停牌。 HKT shares were suspended after having traded for just two
minutes yesterday.香港大学专业进修学院 HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE)
胡志明市/西贡 Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon(Vietnam)何文田 Ho Man Tin河背水塘 Ho Pui Reservoir何英杰、何伯 Ho Ying-chie恶作剧电邮 hoax e-mail???海下 Hoi Ha发出雷暴警告 hoisted a thunderstorm warning挂起红色暴雨警告 hoisted the red rainstorm warning鹤咀 Hok Tsui学友社收到最少五十个求助电话,大部分求助同学都因为成绩不理想而感到苦恼。 Hok Yau Club, which operates a help
line for students, has received at least 50 calls with most expressing distress over
disappointing results.学友社收到最少五十个求助电话,大部分求助同学都因为成绩不理想而感到苦恼。 Hok Yau Club, which operates a help
line for students, has received at least 50 calls with most expressing distress over
disappointing results. 语际翻译 版权所有
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