

他不同意民主派人士和部分学者指称政府是次决定等同平反暴动。    He disagreed with claims by pro-democracy politicians and some academics that the decision amounted to an official endorsement of organised doubts.
他不认为该项决定会严重损害香港的高度自治。    He dismissed concerns the decision would result in grave damage to Hong Kong's autonomy.
董建华否认两岸关系影响到他何时访问台湾。    He dismissed the suggestion that the timing for a visit to Taipei depended mainly on cross-strait relations.???
他强调楼市长远来说会受惠。    He emphasised that the property market would benefit in the long term.
司机疏散乘客    He evacuated his passengers
他避开守在看守所外的约二十名记者。    He evaded about 20 reporters waiting for him outside the detention centre.
他是统派人物    he favours eventual unification
他一度昏迷,但其后苏醒。    He fell into a coma but later regained consciousness.
他在她的舌头上和生殖器周围找到爱滋病的病征。    He found telltale signs of AIDS on her tongue and around her genitals.
他放弃美国护照,成为英国公民。    He gave up his American passport to become a British citizen.
他驾驶纪录良好。    He had a good driving record.
他如不服北京市第一中级人民法院的判决,可在十日内提出上诉。    He has 10 days to appeal against the verdict by the Beijing No 1 Intermediate Court.
他有七分之一的机会在七十八岁生日前患上肺癌。    He has a 1-in-7 chance of getting lung cancer by his 78th birthday.
内坦亚胡承认有婚外情,但他俩一直努力以快乐融洽的形象示人。    He has admitted an extra-marital affair, but they try to appear as a happy and united couple.
他好好地利用了署理特首的身份,和普罗市民沟通。    He has made the best use of his position as acting chief executive to talk to people on the street.
他的总理职位一直非常稳固。    He has remained firmly in the prime minister's job.
他没有采取更彻底的方法,去解决香港税制的结构性问题。    He has shied away from introducing more radical changes to address the structural problems that afflict Hong Kong's tax system
自此他每年都参拜神舍。    He has since made an annual pilgrimage to the shrine.
他面对不少风浪,但他都能藉他的政治智能渡过难关。假如是其它政客,可能早就面临失败。    He has weathered many polictical storms, using his political wit to win through whee other poilticians would have faltered.
他希望在九龙西分拆名单可以协助民主派在该区全取四席。    He hoped that splitting the lists in Kowloon West could maximise the pro-democracy camp's chance of netting all four seats.
他希望在年底前完成检讨。    He hoped the review would be finished by the end of the year.
他强调不会影响投资者信心。    He insisted investors' confidence would not be affected.
他在理发店里装设无线上网网络,让顾客享用高速的无线上网服务。    He installed a wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) network in the barbershop to offer customers high-speed wireless Internet access.
他已风烛残年,对政府不能构成威胁。    He is a sick old man who poses no threat to the government.
据称,他还隐瞒疫情,未有向政府官员通报。    He is also rumoured to have concealed the fact of the SARS outbreak from government officials.
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