

他现在和刘慧卿同一张名单,在新界东参选。    He is now on a joint ticket with Emily Lau Wai-hing of The Frontier in the New Territories East constituency.
他是第十二名因策划这次袭击而被判绞刑的人,普遍都认为他的十三项控罪会全部成立。    He is the 12th person sentenced to hang for the attacks and the conviction on all 13 counts was widely expected.
他不太可能进行全面的政治改革。    He is unlikely to introduce sweeping new political reforms.
他被视为民主派和中央政府的关系中的一根刺。    He is viewed as a thorn in the relationship between the democrats and the central government.
他只是想提出来,测试公众反应。    He just wanted to raise the issue in order to gauge public reaction.
他知道选民要求政府采取大刀阔斧的行动挽救经济。    He knows voters are clamoring for decisive action to stop the country's slide into economic malaise.
他可能会被暗杀。    He may become the victim of an assassination attempt.
他从没有公开承认自己的同性恋倾向。    He never explicitly acknowledged his homosexuality.
他开心大笑时会失禁。    He often laughed to the extent of developing incontinence.
他发出无线电波表示自己仍然生还。    He radioed that he was alive.
他返回台湾时受到英雄式欢迎。    He received a hero's welcome upon his return to Taiwan.
他接受一名学校社工辅导。    He received counselling from a school social worker.
他透露他已拒绝了接受梁锦松辞职。    He revealed he had refused Mr Leung's offer of resignation.
他为此押上整个政治前途。    He risked his entire political future for it.
他表示不会废除联系汇率/不会让港元和美元脱勾。    He ruled out dropping the dollar peg.
他(苏泽光)表示上市会为公司带来新的集资途径。    He said a stock-market listing would give the corporation a new source of financing.
他称有关传言指他俩因竞逐处长职位而不和是毫无根据的。    He said claims that their friendship turned sour over the battle for the top post were groundless.
他表示中电财政稳健,目前坐拥资金二十二亿。    He said CLP's financial position was in good shape and the company was sitting on a cash pile of about HK$2.2 billion.
他自称和恐怖组织并无关连    He said he has no ties to terrorism.
他表示由于没有完全了解整件事件,不能作全面响应。    He said he was not able to respond fully, because he did not have the full details.
他说若政府一意孤行要在下周如期表决,自由党会在二读和三读时提出动议,要求押后立法。    He said his party would move an adjournment to defer the bill's second and third readings if the government insisted on going ahead with the vote next week.
他表示是次裁员令员工大受打击,士气低落,人人自危,担心自己会是下一个遭解雇。    He said morale among the remaining staff had been badly shaken by the sackings and the employees feared they could be next in line for the axe.
他说民主派政客须为香港长远利益着想,而非单纯为今年的立法会选举拉票。    He said pro-democracy politicians should act in the long-term interests of Hong Kong, rather than to simply pull in votes ahead of this year's Legco elections.
他说全球油价、美国利率上升和内地宏观调控对香港经济的影响仍是难以预料。    He said the effects on the local economy of global oil prices, rising interest rates in the United States and macroeconomic adjustments on the mainland remained uncertain.
他说全家正举债度日,而他亦无钱替儿女买新学年的书。    He said the family was relying on borrowed money and he could not afford new school books for his children.
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