双面间谍 double agent双层芝士孖堡 Double Cheeseburger把非本地学生的学额增加一倍 double their quota of non-local students双层巴士 double-decker bus隔音玻璃窗 double-glazed windows隔音玻璃窗 double-glazed windows两面夹击 double-pronged attack质疑捐钱人士的动机 doubt the motives of philanthropists淋上汽油点火自焚 doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire自淋火水,引火自焚 doused themselves in petrol and set fire to themselves以水救火 dousing the flames把甲骨文的前景评级由稳定调低至负面 downgraded the firm's outlook for Oracle from stable to
negative调低中国经济增长预测 downgrading China's growth outlook下载 download下载未经授权软件 downloading fake software下载未经授权软件 downloading fake software掩饰疫情 downplay the epidemic美化日本战争暴行 downplaying Japan's wartime atrocities嫁妆 dowry民进党竞选总部 DPP election headquarters民进党秘书长邱义仁 DPP secretary-general and chief strategist Chiu Yi-jen民进党的死忠支持者 DPP's diehard supporters何大一 Dr David Ho Da-i陈冯富珍表示已发了三十三封警告信,警告未有遵守隔离令的人。 Dr Fung said 33 warning letters have been
sent to people violating quarantines.高医生回想起做手术前所面对的两难。 Dr Goh recalled the dilemma he faced before carrying out
the operation. 语际翻译 版权所有
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