有股息的股票 dividend-paying stocks/dividend stocks股息 dividends跳水皇后伏明霞 diving queen Fu Mingxia引起分化的 divisive离婚 divorce somebody/divorce/get a divorce透露 divulgeA测试a DNA examination/DNA test DN仍然为残肢进行 DNA化验were still conducting DNA tests on the body parts收集布莱恩的 DNA样本took samples of Bryant's DNA做家务 do domestic chores作更多秘密调查 do more covert investigations不会就个别的签证申请个案作出评论 do not comment on individual visa cases因考试压力和功课过多而睡眠不足 do not get enough sleep because of examination pressures
and too much homework没有做定期检查 do not have regular examinations没有要求她们的固定性伴侣使用安全套 do not insist their regular partners use condoms没有报警 do not lodge reports with the police/did not go to the police不介意有婚前性行为 do not mind having pre-marital sex无需工作经验 do not require work experience母语不是英语 do not speak English as their first tongue更有技巧地做配票工作 do the allocation of votes in a more skillful manner担心的人可能正是心中有鬼? Do they have worries because they have things to fear?/Do
they have worries because they have devils in their hearts?做义工 do voluntary work任劳任怨 do with no complaints自制的手镯和脚镯 do-it-yourself bracelets and anklets尸位素餐的政客 do-nothing politicians 语际翻译 版权所有
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