遭某人强烈反驳 drew a scathing attack from somebody抽得下签 drew an unlucky fortune stick拟定13套应变方案,应付中国可能实施的武力威吓 drew up 13 special contingency plans to deal with
possible military threats from the other side of the strait醉酒驾驶 drink-driving食水受到污染。 Drinking water has been polluted.本港的饮用水经处理,符合世界卫生组织标准。 Drinking water in Hong Kong was treated and conformed
with the World Health Organisation standards.挑拨离间他和新任政务司司长 drive a wedge between him and the incoming chief secretary
for administration把车开走/不再罢驶 drive away their vehicles政府立例禁止司机使用流动电话。新法例于四月生效,违例者最高可被罚款二千元。 Drivers caught using mobile phones
can be fined up to $2000 under a law to take effort in April.司机累积扣分达十五分就会被吊销牌照三个月。 Drivers who accumulate 15 or more demerits in two
years can lose their licences for up to three months.驾驶导师 driving instructor驾驶执照 driving licence左上右落 driving on the left驾驶学校/驾驶学院 driving school跟车太贴 driving too close to vehicle in front无人驾驶的飞机、汽车或机器 drone滴剂 drop股价若连续三十个交易日低于五角,须被除牌 drop firms trading below 50 cents for 30 consecutive
days停播赛马 drop race broadcasts退学者 dropouts(瓦希德)解除维兰托的内阁职务 dropped General Wiranto from his cabinet放弃了史丹福大学的学业 dropped out of Stanford University销案 dropped the case的士落客站 dropping-off points毒贩 drug dealer 语际翻译 版权所有
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