廖秀冬承认,虽然香港不断致力减少空气污染物,但过去三年珠三角的空气质素还是每下愈况。 Dr Liao admitted that the
region's air quality had deteriorated over the past three years despite stepped up
efforts by Hong Kong to cut its air pollutants.香港医学会副会长劳永乐 Dr Lo Wing-lok, vice-president of the Hong Kong Medical
Association香港大学防止自杀研究中心总监叶兆辉 Dr Paul Yip Siu-fai, director of the University of Hong
Kong's Suicide Research and Prevention Centre杜医生没有向她解释可以不做子宫切除手术。 Dr To did not explain to her the alternatives to a
hysterectomy.杨永强是董建华新创的高官问责制下,第三位因公众压力而请辞的问责局长。 Dr Yeoh was the third minister under Mr
Tung's new ministerial system to resign under public pressure.政府以三年合约聘请杨永强,月薪为首长级第八级。 Dr Yeoh's appointment will be on a three-year
contract on D8 pay scale.立法会议员并不满意杨永强的说法。他们指责由杨永强出任委员会主席去调查医疗制度,是明显的利益冲突。 Dr Yeoh's comments did
little to pacify lawmakers, several of whom said it was a blatant conflict of interests
for the health chief to head a panel investigating the health system.香港机场管理局行政总监彭定中 Dr. Pang, David, Chief Executive Officer, Airport Authority
Hong Kong中国最重要的爱滋病专家邵一鸣 Dr. Shao Yiming, China's foremost AIDS expert(法律)太严厉 draconian(法律)太严厉 draconian推司机下车 dragged the driver out港龙航空 Dragonair排水系统 drainage渠务署 Drainage Services Department(厨房洗涤池边放置洗过的杯、碟等的)滴水板 draining board每天饮水不足八杯 drank fewer than eight glasses of water a day大幅增加医学院的学额 drastically increase the medical student intake为香港制定贫穷线 draw a poverty line for Hong Kong拔枪 draw guns抽屉 drawer绘画比赛 drawing contests引来批评 draws criticism包扎伤口 dressed the wound浴衣、浴袍 dressing gown/bathrobe 语际翻译 版权所有
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