毒贩 drug dealer药物教育资源中心 Drug Education Resource Centre药物教育资源中心 Drug Education Resource Centre贩毒(追讨得益)条例 Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance贩毒(追讨得益)条例 Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance吸毒者 drug users吸毒者 drug users干咳 dry cough干货摊位 dry goods stalls阴干我们的研究项目 dry up our research programme在屋苑的公众地方晾晒衣物/晾衫 drying clothes in estates' public areas晾衫架 drying racks双频式网络 Dual Band network白茄子 Dubi可疑的招聘广告 dubious recruitment advertisements根德公爵夫人儿童医院 Duchess of Kent Children's Hospital不能兑现的支票 dud cheques不能兑现的支票 dud cheques因买家反应欠佳/因为滞销 due to poor response from buyers因为公立医院人手短缺 due to the manpower shortage in public hospitals搜挖生还者 dug for survivors通宵挖掘 dug through the night(交投)淡静 dull/lackluster/light/negligible/quiet/slow/sluggish/thin/weak
(trading)投下水弹 dump water bombs十二指肠溃疡 duodenal ulcer 语际翻译 版权所有
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