古典音乐 classical music典型肺炎 classical pneumonia机密文件 classified documents空室恐惧症/空室恐怖症 claustrophobia锁骨 clavicle追讨数以百万元计的侵权损失 claw back millions of dollars lost in copyright infringements
由于有回拨机制,若然公众的需求够大,散户会分得更多比例。 Clawback clauses mean that if the demand from
the public is strong enough, retail investors will receive a much higher proportion.
缔造廉洁的选举 clean up elections清理溪流 cleaning creeks消除市民对(公营)房屋质素的疑虑 clear public concern about the quality of our blocks尽快扫除领汇上市的法律障碍 clear the legal obstacles to the listing as quickly as
possible清除某物的不断积压 clear the mounting backlog of something还校长一个清白 clear the name of the vice-chancellor消除对公司财政状况的揣测 clear up uncertainties about our finances清水湾 Clear Water Bay结算公司 clearing houses一种猪只用的哮喘药 clenbuterol克利夫兰 Cleveland点击 click结余得很少的客户 clients with low balances更年期综合症 climacteric syndrome气候转变可能会引发疟疾潮 climatic change could mean the return of malaria认输 climb down over something/climbdown (n); The government was forced to
climb down last night over its handling of pensions.扶摇直上/平步青云 climbed steadily up the ranks步步高升,去年十月更登上首席执行长的宝座 climbed the ranks, and claimed the CEO post in October
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