- 中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 外国的公司、企业和其他经济组织或者个人需要在中华人民共和国内海、领海铺设海底电缆、管道以及为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测等活动,应当依照本规定报经主管机关批准; When foreign companies, enterprises and other foreign economic organizations or individuals have the necessity to lay submarine cables and pipelines, and also to conduct investigations and survey of routes and other relevant activities for the aforesaid engineering projects in the inland seas and territorial seas of the People's Republic of China, they shall, in accordance with these Provisions, apply to the competent authorities for approval;
- 外国船舶需要进入中国内海、领海进行海底电缆、管道的维修、改造、拆除活动时,除履行本条第一款规定的程序外,还应当依照中国法律的规定,报经中国有关机关批准。 When foreign vessels have the necessity to enter China's inland seas and territorial seas to carry out activities in the maintenance, alteration, or dismantling of submarine cables and pipelines, the owners shall, in addition to going through the procedures as prescribed in the first paragraph of this Article, submit an application to the administrative department concerned in China for approval, in accordance with the pertinent provisions of China's laws.
- 仲裁庭自行调查事实、收集证据时,认为有必要通知双方当事人到场的,应及时通知双方当事人到场,经通知而一方或双方当事人不到场且无正当理由的,仲裁庭自行调查事实和收集证据的行为不受其影响。 When investigating and collecting evidence by itself, the arbitration tribunal shall promptly inform the parties to be present if it considers necessary. Should one party or both parties fail to appear, the investigation and collection of evidence shall not be affected.
- 被申请人提出反请求,应当按照仲裁委员会的仲裁费用表的规定,在仲裁委员会限定的期限内预缴仲裁费。 When lodging a counterclaim, the Respondent shall pay an arbitration fee in advance according to the Arbitration Fee Schedule within the time limit specified by the Arbitration Commission.
- 被申请人提出反请求时,应在其反请求书中写明具体的反请求事项、理由以及所依据的事实,并附具相关证据材料。 When lodging a counterclaim, the Respondent shall state in his written counterclaim his specific claim, reasons for his claim and the related facts and evidence for his claim, and shall attach to his written counterclaim the relevant documentary evidence.
- 在港区内使用岸线或者进行水上水下施工包括架空施工,还必须附图报经主管机关审核同意。 When shore lines are to be used in harbour areas or when construction work, including overhead operations, is to be carried out on the sea surface or underwater in such areas, the plan and a drawing thereof must be submitted to the competent authority for examination and approval.
- 仲裁庭不能形成多数意见时,裁决依首席仲裁员的意见作出,其他仲裁员的不同意见可以记入笔录并在裁决书中写明。 When the arbitration tribunal cannot attain a majority opinion, the award shall be rendered in accordance with the presiding arbitrator's opinion. The different opinions of other arbitrators may be recorded on file and written in the award.
- 铺设在中国大陆架上的海底电缆、管道遭受损害,需要紧急修理时,外国维修船可在向主管机关报告的同时进入现场作业,但不得防害中国的主权权利和管辖权。 When the damaged submarine cables and pipelines laid on China's continental shelves need emergency repairs, foreign maintenance vessels may enter the site to start the emergency repairs simultaneously with a report submitted to the competent authorities. However the said operations shall not impair China's sovereign rights and jurisdiction.
- 承运人依照前款规定将货物装载在舱面上,对由于此种装载的特殊风险造成的货物灭失或者损坏,不负赔偿责任。 When the goods have been shipped on deck in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the carrier shall not be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods caused by the special risks involved in such carriage.
- 港务监督认为必要时,可以通知有关机关和社会组织参加事故调查。 When the harbour superintendency administration concerned deems it necessary, he may request relevant departments and social organizations to take part in the investigation of the accidents.
- 在国家进行海洋开发利用、管理需要时,所有者有义务向主管机关进一步提供海底电缆、管道的准确资料。 When the State needs the relevant technical data for the exploitation of marine resources or for carrying out administration, the owners have the obligations to provide the competent authorities with further precise data concerning the submarine cables and pipelines.
- 由国内外经济组织依照本法规定投资建成并经营的收费公路,约定的经营期限届满,该公路由国家无偿收回,由有关交通主管部门管理。 When the toll collection right transfer contracts for toll roads that are invested and managed by domestic and foreign economic organizations expires, the roads should be recovered free by the State and handed over to transportation departments for management.
- 约定在中国海事仲裁委员会或其物流争议解决中心仲裁的案件,当事人和仲裁委员会主任可以从其认为适当的《中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁员名册》或《中国海事仲裁委员会物流专业仲裁员名册》(除特别规定外,以下统称仲裁员名册)中选定或指定仲裁员。 Where a case submitted to the China Maritime Arbitration Commission or its Logistics Dispute Resolution Center, the parties and the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission may appoint proper arbitrators from among the arbitrators on the Panel of Arbitrators of China Maritime Arbitration Commission or from among the arbitrators on the Panel of Arbitrators in Logistics(hereinafter generally referred to as the Panel of Arbitrators, except referred otherwise.)
- 适航证书失效或者超过适航证书规定范围飞行的,依照前款规定处罚。 Where a certificate of airworthiness has lost its effect or a flight was conducted beyond the scope prescribed in the certificate of airworthiness, the punishment prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall apply.
- 已取得外国颁发的型号合格证书的民用航空器及其发动机、螺旋桨和民用航空器上设备,首次在中国境内生产的,该型号合格证书的持有人应当向国务院民用航空主管部门申请领取型号认可证书。经审查合格的,发给型号认可证书。 Where a civil aircraft and its engines, propellers and on-board equipment, for which a type certificate has been issued in a foreign country, are produced for the first time in China, the holder of the type certificate shall file an application with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council for type validation certificate. A type validation certificate shall be issued if found qualified through examination.
- 民用航空器未按规定携带前款所列文件的,国务院民用航空主管部门或者其授权的地区民用航空管理机构可以禁止该民用航空器起飞。 Where a civil aircraft fails to carry the documents as listed in the preceding paragraph according to regulations, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council or the regional civil aviation administrative organ authorized by it may prohibit such civil aircraft to take off.
- 对未经批准正在飞离中华人民共和国领空的民用航空器,有关部门有权根据具体情况采取必要措施,予以制止。 Where a civil aircraft is leaving the airspace of the People's Republic of China without authorization, the department concerned has the right to take necessary measures to stop it in accordance with concrete conditions.
- 自境外租赁的民用航空器,承租人符合前款规定,该民用航空器的机组人员由承租人配备的,可以申请登记中华人民共和国国籍,但是必须先予注销该民用航空器原国籍登记。 Where a civil aircraft was leased from abroad, the lessee being in conformity with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, and the crew of the civil aircraft is provided by the lessee, the latter may apply for the nationality registration of the People's Republic of China, provided that the original nationality registration of such aircraft has been cancelled.
- 货物用集装箱、货盘或者类似装运器具集装的,提单中载明装在此类装运器具中的货物件数或者其他货运单位数,视为前款所指的货物件数或者其他货运单位数;未载明的,每一装运器具视为一件或者一个单位。 Where a container, pallet or similar article of transport is used to consolidate goods, the number of packages or other shipping units enumerated in the bill of lading as packed in such article of transport shall be deemed to be the number of packages or shipping units. If not so enumerated, the goods in such article of transport shall be deemed to be one package or one shipping unit.
- 债务人是外国人、无国籍人、外国企业或者组织,但在中华人民共和国领域内有住所、代表机构或者分支机构并能够送达支付令的,债权人可以向有管辖权的海事法院申请支付令。 Where a debtor is a foreign national, stateless person, foreign enterprise or organization, but he has domicile, representative office or branch office within the territory of the People's Republic of China and an order of payment can be served, the creditor may apply to the maritime court that has jurisdiction for an order of payment.
- 当事人一方在规定的期限内不履行仲裁机构的仲裁决定的,另一方可以申请人民法院强制执行。 Where a party does not perform the award of the arbitration agency within the prescribed time limit, the other party may apply to a people's court for compulsory execution.
- 旅客以外的其他人就旅客死亡或者受伤提出赔偿请求时,经承运人证明,死亡或者受伤是旅客本人的过错造成或者促成的,同样应当根据造成或者促成此种损失的过错的程度,相应免除或者减轻承运人的责任。 Where a person other than the passenger claims compensation with respect to the death or injury of the passenger, the carrier may similarly be wholly or partly exonerated from his liability in accordance with the extent of the fault that caused or contributed to such damage, if the carrier proves that the death or injury was caused by or contributed to by the fault of the passenger himself.
- 公共航空运输企业有前款行为,导致发生重大事故的,没收违法所得,判处罚金;并对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依照刑法第一百一十五条的规定追究刑事责任。 Where a public air transport enterprise commits an act described in the preceding paragraph and thereby creates a serious accident, its unlawful earnings shall be confiscated and a fine shall be imposed; and criminal responsibilities shall be investigated against the person directly in charge and other personnel directly responsible for the crime in accordance with the provisions of Article 115 of the Criminal Law.
- 未取得经营许可证的,工商行政管理部门不得办理工商登记。 where a public air transport enterprise fails to obtain operating licence, no registration shall be performed for such enterprise by the administrative department for industry and commerce.
- 对实际承运人的受雇人、代理人提起诉讼的,适用本法第五十八条第二款和第五十九条第二的规定。 Where an action is brought against the servant or agent of the actual carrier, the provisions contained in paragraph 2 of Article 58 and paragraph 2 of Article 59 of this Code shall apply.