获得过半数选票的当选人数少于应选名额时,不足的名额另行选举。另行选举时,可以根据在第一次投票时得票多少的顺序确定候选人,也可以依照本法规定的程序另行提名、确定候选人。经本级人民代表大会决定,不足的名额的另行选举可以在本次人民代表大会会议上进行,也可以在下一次人民代表大会会议上进行。 If the number of the elected persons who obtain more than half of the votes is less than the number of persons needed to be elected, another election shall be held to make up the difference, the candidates for another election may be determined by order of the votes they obtain in the first balloting, or may be nominated and determined in accordance with the procedures provided by this Law. Another election for making up the difference may be held at the current session or the next session of the people's congress upon decision by the people's congress at the corresponding level.如果违反治安管理的人是无行为能力人或者限制行为能力人,本人无力赔偿或者负担的,由其监护人依法负责赔偿或者负担。 if the offender is not an able person or is a person of limited ability, unable to compensate for the loss or bear the medical expenses, his guardian shall make the compensation or bear the medical expenses according to law.情节轻微不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。 if the offense is of a minor nature and does not constitute a crime, administrative sanctions shall be imposed upon them in accordance with law.当事人认为主持人与本案有直接利害关系的,有权申请回避; if the party believes that the person has a direct interest in the current case, he shall have the right to apply for the person's withdrawal;对回复仍有异议的,由监察机关提请本级人民政府或者上一级监察机关裁决。 If the party concerned still disagrees with the reply, the supervisory organ shall submit it to the people's government at the corresponding level or the supervisory organ at the next higher level for a ruling.当事人对限制人身自由的行政处罚有异议的,依照治安管理处罚条例有关规定执行。 If the party has objection to the administrative penalty that involves restriction of freedom of person, the relevant provisions of Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security shall apply.省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表大会常务委员会在本级人民代表大会闭会期间,经全体组成人员的过半数通过, 可以罢免本级人民代表大会选出的个别全国人民代表大会代表。 If the people's congress of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government is not in session, its standing committee may, with the approval of a simple majority of its members, recall individual deputies elected to the National People's Congress by its people's congresses.本人已向复议机关指定代收人的,交代收人签收; if the person has designated an agent to receive it for him, then the written decision shall be delivered to the agent for a signed receipt ;受送达人是法人或者其他组织的,交其收发部门签收。 if the person is a legal person or other organization, the written decision shall be delivered to its reception office for a signed receipt.对违反《规定》的,党的纪律检查机关和行政监察机关要视情节轻重追究直接责任人和有关领导的责任,直至给予党纪政纪处分; If the Provisions are violated, departments of the party for discipline inspection and administrative supervision departments should investigate the person(s) responsible in charge and leaders concerned for responsibilities according to the seriousness of circumstances and even impose upon them party or government disciplinary sanctions.本人不在的,交其同住的成年家属或者所在单位签收; if the recipient is absent, it shall be delivered to an adult family member living with him/her, or to the unit to which he/she belongs, for a signed receipt;受送达人拒绝接受复议决定书的,送达人应当邀请有关人员到场,说明情况,在送达回证上记明拒收事由和日期,由送达人、见证人签名或者盖章,把复议决定书留在受送达人的住处或者收发部门,即视为送达。 If the recipient of the service refuses to receive the written reconsideration decision, the person serving the decision shall invite persons concerned to be present at the scene, explain the situation to them, record in the certificate of service the reasons for and the date of the refusal and the certificate of service shall be signed or sealed by the person serving the decision and the witnesses; then the written decision shall be left at the residence or at the reception office and the service shall be deemed as completed.质询案以口头答复的,应当由受质询机关的负责人到会答复;质询案以书面答复的,应当由受质询机关的负责人签署,由主任会议印发会议或者印发提质询案的常务委员会组成人员。 If the reply is to be made orally, the leading person of the organ addressed shall be present at the meeting to give the reply; if the reply is to be made in writing, it shall be signed by the leading person of the organ addressed, and the council of chairmen shall have it printed and distributed to the session or to the component members of the standing committee who address the questions.质询案以口头答复的,应当由受质询机关的负责人到会答复;质询案以书面答复的,应当由受质询机关的负责人签署,由主席团印发会议或者印发提质询案的代表。 If the reply is to be made orally, the leading person of the organ addressed shall be present at the meeting to give the reply; if the reply is to be made in writing, it shall be signed by the leading person of the organ addressed, and the presidium shall have it printed and distributed to the session or to the deputies who address the questions.需要采用走访形式的,应当推选代表提出,代表人数不得超过5人。 If the said group of people choose to make a complaint through a personal appearance, they shall elect not more than five delegates to represent the group.如名称字数过多不易刻制,可以采用规范化简称。 If the title is too long to be printed on the seal, the standardized abbreviation is applicable.如名称字数过多不易刻制,可以采用规范化简称。 If the title is too long to be printed on the seal, the standardized abbreviation is applicable.情节严重构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 if the violation is serious enough to constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.凡法律、法规或行政规章规定应当给予行政处罚的,必须处罚; If there is any act that should be given administrative penalty according to the provisions of laws, regulations or administrative rules, the penalty must be given.对检查中发现的违法违纪问题,必须严格依法、依纪处理。 If there is any act violating laws or disciplines found in the inspections, the act must be dealt with in strict accordance with laws and disciplines.法律、行政法规没有规定的,由公安部门责令改正,并依照下列规定给予处罚: if there is no corresponding stipulations in the law or regulations, the units are to be ordered to rectify and be punished by the public security bureau according to the following stipulations:两个以上行政机关作出同一具体行政行为的,共同作出具体行政行为的行政机关是共同被告。 If two or more administrative organs have undertaken the same specific administrative act, the administrative organs that have jointly undertaken the act shall be the joint defendants.对处理决定不服的,除依照法律、行政法规的规定申请复议或者提起行政诉讼的外,可以自收到处理决定书之日30日内请求原办理机关复查。 If, within 30 days from receipt of the written decision, they are unsatisfied with the decision, they may request the original decision making administrative authority to review the decision unless an administrative reconsideration or an administrative lawsuit are provided for pursuant to laws or administrative regulations.二、国务院组成部委 II. Ministries and Commissions as Component Departments of the State Council三、国务院直属机构 III. Organizations Directly under the State Council