

(四)国家机关的在职工作人员。    4.In-service personnel of state organizations at different levels.
(五)发现治安隐患,落实整改措施。    5. Implement rectification measures once the hidden dangers of peace and order are found.
六、 县、自治县的人民政府驻地在市区内的,其所属机关、团体和企业事业组织的职工,参加县、自治县的人民代表大会代表的选举,不参加市、市辖区的人民代表大会代表的选举。    6. If the people's government of a county or an autonomous county is seated in a city, workers and staff members of its affiliated government agencies, people's organizations, enterprises and institutions may participate in the election of deputies to the people's congress of the county or autonomous county, and not in the election of deputies to the people's congress of a city or a municipal district.
一、中华人民共和国国务院办公厅    I. General Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China
有权提起诉讼的公民死亡,其近亲属可以提起诉讼。    If a citizen who has the right to bring a suit is deceased, his near relatives may bring the suit.
公民、法人或者其他组织单独就损害赔偿提出请求,应当先由行政机关解决。    If a citizen, a legal person or any other organization makes an independent claim for damages, the case shall first be dealt with by an administrative organ.
公民、法人或者其他组织拒绝履行判决、裁定的,行政机关可以向第一审人民法院申请强制执行,或者依法强制执行。    If a citizen, a legal person or any other organization refuses to perform the judgment or order, the administrative organ may apply to a people's court of first instance for compulsory execution or proceed with compulsory execution according to law.
全国人民代表大会代表如果因为是现行犯被拘留,执行拘留的公安机关应当立即向全国人民代表大会主席团或者全国人民代表大会常务委员会报告。    If a deputy to the National People's Congress is caught in the act and detained, the public security organ which has detained him shall immediately report the matter to the Presidium or the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
人民法院对管辖权发生争议,由争议双方协商解决。协商不成的,报它们的共同上级人民法院指定管辖。    If a dispute arises over jurisdiction between people's courts, it shall be resolved by the parties to the dispute through consultation. If the dispute cannot be resolved through consultation, it shall be reported to a people's court superior to the courts in dispute for the designation of jurisdiction.
执法人员与当事人有直接利害关系的,应当回避。    If a law-enforcing officer shares a direct interest with the party, he shall withdraw.
有权提起诉讼的法人或者其他组织终止,承受其权利的法人或者其他组织可以提起诉讼。    If a legal person or any other organization that has the right to bring a suit terminates, the legal person or any other organization that succeeds to its rights may bring the suit.
审判人员认为自己与本案有利害关系或者有其他关系,应当申请回避。    If a member of the judicial personnel considers himself to have an interest in the case or to be otherwise related to it, he shall apply for withdrawal.
参加集会、游行、示威的人员越过依照本法第二十二条规定设置的临时警戒线、进入本法第二十三条所列不得举行集会、游行、示威的特定场所周边一定范围或者有其他违法犯罪行为的,人民警察可以将其强行带离现场或者立即予以拘留。    If a participant in an assembly, a procession or a demonstration crosses the temporary security lines established in accordance with the provisions of Article 22 of this Law, enters a certain peripheral space around the specific places where no assemblies, processions and demonstrations shall be held as specified in Article 23 of this Law, or commits other illegal or criminal acts, the people's police may take him away from the scene by force or detain him at once.
当事人不服人民法院第一审裁定的,有权在裁定书送达之日起十日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。    If a party refuses to accept an order of first instance by a people's court, he shall have the right to file an appeal with the people's court at the next higher level within 10 days of the serving of the written order.
上级人民法院对下级人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,发现违反法律、法规规定的,有权提审或者指令下级人民法院再审。    If a people's court at a higher level finds a violation of provisions of the law or regulations in a legally effective judgment or order of a people's court at a lower level, it shall have the power to bring the case up for trial itself or direct the people's court at the lower level to conduct a retrial.
人民法院认为地方人民政府制定、发布的规章与国务院部、委制定、发布的规章不一致的,以及国务院部、委制定、发布的规章之间不一致的,由最高人民法院送请国务院作出解释或者裁决。    If a people's court considers regulations formulated and announced by a local people's government to be inconsistent with regulations formulated and announced by a ministry or commission under the State Council, or if it considers regulations formulated and announced by ministries or commissions under the State Council to be inconsistent with each other, the Supreme People's Court shall refer the matter to the State Council for interpretation or ruling.
认为有犯罪行为的,应当将有关材料移送公安、检察机关。    if a people's court considers the person to have committed a crime, it shall transfer the relevant materials to the public security and procuratorial organs.
下级人民法院对其管辖的第一审行政案件,认为需要由上级人民法院审判的,可以报请上级人民法院决定。    If a people's court deems it necessary for an administrative case of first instance under its jurisdiction to be adjudicated by a people's court at a higher level, it may report to such a people's court for decision.
由法律、法规授权的组织所作的具体行政行为,该组织是被告。由行政机关委托的组织所作的具体行政行为,委托的行政机关是被告。    If a specific administrative act has been undertaken by an organization authorized to undertake the act by the law or regulations, the organization shall be the defendant. If a specific administrative act has been undertaken by an organization as entrusted by an administrative organ, the entrusting organ shall be the defendant.
地方各级公、检、法、工商部门应缴国库或财政预算外资金专户的行政性收费收入和罚没收入,凡属于执收、执罚单位就地解缴入库的,由财政部驻各地财政监察专员办事机构就地监缴;    If administrative charges and incomes from fines and confiscations should be handed over by judicial organs and administrative departments for industry and commerce to the state treasury and the special account for non-budgetary financial funds, and should be transferred to the state treasury on the spot under the escort of units in charge of collecting fees or imposing fines, the financial supervisor’s office stationed by the Ministry of Finance in the place shall supervise the handing over of funds on the spot.
行政机关被撤销的,继续行使其职权的行政机关是被告。    If an administrative organ has been abolished, the administrative organ that carries on the exercise of functions and powers of the abolished organ shall be the defendant.
行政机关拒绝履行判决、裁定的,第一审人民法院可以采取以下措施:    If an administrative organ refuses to perform the judgment or order, the people's court of first instance may adopt the following measures:
受公安机关罚款或者拘留处罚的外国人,对处罚不服的,在接到通知之日起十五日内,可以向上一级公安机关提出申诉,由上一级公安机关作出最后裁决,也可以直接向当地人民法院提起诉讼。    If an alien subject to a fine or detention by a public security organ refuses to accept the penalty, he may, within 15 days of receiving notification, appeal to the public security organ at the next higher level, which shall make the final decision; he may also directly file suit in the local people's court.
对人民政府的工作部门设立的派出机构根据法律、法规和规章规定以自己的名义作出的具体行政行为不服申请的复议,由设立该派出机构的部门管辖。    If an application for reconsideration is filed by a person who does not accept a specific administrative act undertaken by an agency which is established by a working department of the people's government in its own name according to the provisions of the laws, regulations and rules, the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the department that established the said agency.
对国务院各部门的具体行政行为不服申请的复议,由作出具体行政行为的部门管辖。    If an application for reconsideration is filed by a person who does not accept a specific administrative act undertaken by any of the departments under the State Council, the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the department which has undertaken the said specific administrative act.
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