(三)违反法定的行政处罚程序的; (3) in violation of the legal procedure for administrative penalty; or(三)认为行政机关侵犯法律、法规规定的经营自主权的; (3) infringement upon one's managerial decision making power as stipulated by laws and regulations, which is held to have been perpetrated by an administrative body;(三)认为行政机关侵犯法律规定的经营自主权的; (3) infringement upon one's managerial decision-making powers, which is considered to have been perpetrated by an administrative organ;(三)给国家利益、集体利益和公民合法权益造成损害,需要采取补救措施的; (3) Infringements upon state and collective interests and legitimate interests of citizens that require remedial measures;(三)指使、贿买、胁迫他人作伪证或者威胁、阻止证人作证的; (3) instigating, suborning or threatening others to commit perjury or hindering witnesses from giving testimony;(三)煽动民族分裂的; (3) instigation of division among the nationalities; or(三)调查处理国家行政机关、国家公务员和国家行政机关任命的其他人员违反行政纪律的行为; (3) Investigate and handle acts of administrative discipline violations by state administrative organs, government functionaries, and by other personnel appointed by state administrative organs;(四)具体行政行为有下列情形之一的,决定撤销、变更,并可以责令被申请人重新作出具体行政行为: (4) if a specific administrative act has been undertaken in one of the following circumstances, the act shall be annulled or changed, or the defending party may be required by decision to undertake a specific administrative act anew:(四)行政处罚显失公正的,可以判决变更。 (4) If an administrative sanction is obviously unfair, it may be amended by judgment.(四)在机动车辆上非法安装、使用特殊音响警报器或者标志灯具的。 (4) illegally installing or using special sirens or signal light equipment in motor vehicles.4、 申请F字签证,须有被授权单位的函电; (4) In application for Visa F, a letter or telegram from the authorized organization;(四)违反本法第十八条关于委托处罚的规定的。 (4) in violation of the provisions of Article 18 of this Law concerning entrusting an organization with imposition of administrative penalty.(四)故意损坏公私财物的。 (4) intentionally damaging public or private property.5、 申请L字签证,来华旅游的,须有中国旅游部门的接待证明,必要时须提供离开中国后前往国家(地区)的飞机票、车票或者船票; (5) In application for Visa L for a tourist trip in China, a certificate of reception from a Chinese travel service; and, when necessary, plane, train or ship ticket(s) to the country (region) after leaving China;(五)指使或者强令他人违反消防安全规定,冒险作业,尚未造成严重后果的; (5) instigating or coercing others to work at risk of causing fire in violation of safety measures against fire, but not having resulted in serious consequences;6、 申请G字签证,须持有前往国家(地区)的有效签证。如果申请人免办前往国家(地区)的签证,须持有联程客票; (6) In application for Visa G, a valid visa for entering the country (region) of destination, or connecting tickets in case such a visa is exempt;7、 申请C字签证,按协议提供有关的证明; (7) In application for Visa C, relevant certificates in accordance with the agreements concerned.8、 申请J-1、J-2字签证,须有主管部门的证明。 (8) In application for Visas J-1 and J-2, a certificate from the competent department.(二)检查治安防范工作,提出奖惩建议; 2. Inspect the peace and order work and make suggestions of praise and punishment;(二)不得承接有危害国家安全、封建迷信、色情或者淫秽内容以及国家和本市禁止的其他印刷业务; 2. It is prohibited to print anything that endangers the security of the State and contains feudal superstition, eroticism or pornography, and other things that is forbidden by the Municipality and the State;(二)不得收购、寄售、承典、承当或者拍卖国家和本市禁止经营的物品; 2. It is prohibited to purchase, consign, pawn and auction the goods beyond the sanctioned scope by the State and the Municipality;三、加强行政性收费和罚没收入上缴国库或财政预算外资金专户的工作。 3. Improving the Work for Handing over Administrative Charges and Incomes from Fines and Confiscations to the State Treasure and to the Special Account for Non-budgetary Financial Funds.(三)不得超出许可范围收购废旧物品; 3. It is prohibited to purchase the waste and old goods that are beyond the scope of permission; and(三)不得超出许可范围承接印刷业务; 3.It is prohibited to print anything that is beyond the scope of permission; and(四)不得在铁路沿线、机场、码头、军事禁区以及冶炼加工企业附近,设点收购废旧金属物品。 4. It is prohibited to purchase the second-hand goods along the railway, near the airport, seaport, military zone and smelting areas.