第三十七条 申请人撤回专利申请的,应当向国务院专利行政部门提出声明,写明发明创造的名称、申请号和申请日。 Article 37 When withdrawing an application for a patent, the applicant shall make a declaration to the administrative department for patent under the State Council stating the title of the invention-creation, the number and date of the application.第三十七条 出版者,表演者、录音录像制作者,广播电台、电视台行使权利,不得损害被使用作品和原作品著作权人的权利。 Article 37. Publishers, performers, producers of audio and video recordings and radio and television stations, in the course of exercising their rights, shall not prejudice copyrights their owners enjoyed in the works being used.第三十七条 注册商标的专用权,以核准注册的商标和核定使用的商品为限。 Article 37. The exclusive right to use a registered trademark is limited to the trademark which has been approved for registration and to the goods in respect of which the use of the trademark has been approved.第三十七条 国务院专利行政部门对发明专利申请进行实质审查后,认为不符合本法规定的,应当通知申请人,要求其在指定的期限内陈述意见,或者对其申请进行修改; Article 37. Where the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council, after it has made the examination as to substance of the application for a patent for invention, finds that the application is not in conformity with the provisions of this Law, it shall notify the applicant and request him or it to submit, within a specified time limit, his or its observations or to amend the application.第三十八条 在初步审查、实质审查、复审和无效宣告程序中,实施审查和审理的人员有下列情形之一的,应当自行回避,当事人或者其他利害关系人可以要求其回避: Article 38 Any person who is to examine or hear a case in the procedures of preliminary examination, substantial examination, re-examination, or invalidation shall, at his own discretion or upon the request of the party concerned or any other interested person, avoid being present in any of the following circumstances:第三十八条 中国奥林匹克委员会是以发展和推动奥林匹克运动为主要任务的体育组织,代表中国参与国际奥林匹克事务。 Article 38 The Chinese Olympic Committee, as a sports organization whose chief task is to develop and promote the Olympic movement, shall represent China to participate in international Olympic affairs.第三十八条 本章规定的物权保护方式,可以单独适用,也可以根据权利被侵害的情形合并适用。 Article 38 The ways for protecting real right as prescribed in the present Law may apply either independently or jointly in light of the specific situation of an injury of real right.第三十八条 录音录像制作者制作录音录像制品,应当同表演者订立合同,并支付报酬。 Article 38 When producing a sound recording or video recording, the producer shall conclude a contract with, and pay remuneration to, the performer.第三十八条 有下列行为之一的,均属侵犯注册商标专用权: Article 38. Any of the following acts shall be an infringement of the exclusive right to use a registered trademark:第三十八条 出版者对其出版的图书、报纸、杂志的版式、装帧设计,享有专有使用权。 Article 38. Publishers shall enjoy exclusive right of exploitation in typographical design of the books, newspapers and periodicals they have published.第三十八条 发明专利申请经申请人陈述意见或者进行修改后,国务院专利行政部门仍然认为不符合本法规定的,应当予以驳回。 Article 38.?? Where, after the applicant has made the observations or amendments, the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council?finds that the application for a patent for invention is still not in conformity with the provisions of this Law, the application shall be rejected.第三十九条 录音录像制作者对其制作的录音录像制品,享有许可他人复制发行并获得报酬的权利。该权利的保护期为五十年,截止于该制品首次出版后第五十年的12月31日。被许可复制发行的录音录像制作者还应当按照规定向著作权人和表演者支付报酬。 Article 39 A producer of sound recordings or video recordings shall have the right to authorize others to reproduce and distribute his sound recordings or video recordings and the right to receive remuneration therefor. The term of protection of such rights shall be fifty years, expiring on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the first publication of the recordings. A producer of sound recordings or video recordings who is authorized to reproduce and distribute a sound recording or video recording created by others shall also pay remuneration to the copyright owner and to the performer as prescribed by regulations.第三十九条 体育科学社会团体是体育科学技术工作者的学术性群众组织,应当在发展体育科技事业中发挥作用。 Article 39 Public organizations of sports science are academic mass organizations of personnel engaged in sports science and technology, which shall fully play their roles in promoting the development of sports science and technology.第三十九条 所有权人对自己的不动产或者动产,依法享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。 Article 39 The owner of a realty or chattel is entitled to possess, utilize, seek profits from and dispose of the realty or chattel in accordance with law.第三十九条 国务院专利行政部门收到发明或者实用新型专利申请的请求书、说明书(实用新型必须包括附图)和权利要求书,或者外观设计专利申请的请求书和外观设计的图片或者照片后,应当明确申请日、给予申请号,并通知申请人。 Article 39 Upon the receipt of an application for a patent for invention or utility model consisting of a written request, a specification (an appended drawing being indispensable for utility model) and one or more patent claims, or an application for a patent for design consisting of a written request and one or more drawings or photographs showing the design, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall clarify the application date, grant an application number and notify the applicant.第三十九条 图书出版者依照著作权法第三十条的规定,在合同有效期内和在合同约定地区内,以同种文字的原版、修订版和缩编本的方式出版图书的独占权利,受法律保护。 Article 39. By virtue of Article 30 of the Law, legal protection shall be available for the exclusive right a publisher obtained to publish, within the term of validity of and the territory of execution defined by the contract, a work in its original language and in the form of original edition, revised version or condensed version.第三十九条 有本法第三十八条所列侵犯注册商标专用权行为之一的,被侵权人可以向县级以上工商行政管理部门要求处理,有关工商行政管理部门有权责令侵权人立即停止侵权行为,赔偿被侵权人的损失,赔偿额为侵权人在侵权期间因侵权所获得的利润或者被侵权人在被侵权期间因被侵权所受到的损失。 Article 39. Where any party has committed any of such acts to infringe the exclusive right to use a registered trademark as provided for in Article 38 of this Law, the infringee may request the administrative authority for industry and commerce at or above the county level for actions. The administrative authority for industry and commerce shall have the power to order the infringer to immediately stop the infringing act and to compensate the infringee for the damages suffered by the latter. The amount of compensation shall be the profit that the infringer has earned through the infringement during the period of the infringement or the damages that the infringee has suffered through the infringement during the period of the infringement.第三十九条 发明专利申请经实质审查没有发现驳回理由的,由国务院专利行政部门作出授予发明专利权的决定,发给发明专利证书,同时予以登记和公告。 Article 39.? Where it is found after examination as to substance that there is no cause for rejection of the application for a patent for invention, the patent administration department under the State Council? shall make a decision to grant the patent right for invention, issue the certificate of patent for invention, and register and announce it.第三条 国务院专利行政部门负责管理全国的专利工作; Article 3???The patent administration department under the State Council?is responsible for the patent work throughout the country.第三十一条 一件发明或者实用新型专利申请应当限于一项发明或者实用新型。 Article 3l.?? An application for a patent for invention or utility model shall be limited to one invention or uti1ity model.第四条 受保护的布图设计应当具有独创性,即该布图设计是创作者自己的智力劳动成果,并且在其创作时该布图设计在布图设计创作者和集成电路制造者中不是公认的常规设计。 Article 4 A protected layout-design shall possess originality, namely the layout-design is the product of the intellectual labour of the inventor, and the layout-design is not a standard design generally accepted by the layout-design inventors and integrated circuit manufacturers.第四条 中华人民共和国境内地下、内水和领海中遗存的一切文物,属于国家所有。 Article 4 All cultural relics remaining underground or in the inland waters or territorial seas within the boundaries of the People's Republic of China shall be owned by the state.第四条 依照专利法和本细则规定提交的各种文件应当使用中文;国家有统一规定的科技术语的,应当采用规范词;外国人名、地名和科技术语没有统一中文译文的,应当注明原文。 Article 4 Any document to be submitted under the Patent Law or these Rules shall be in Chinese. A standard technical terminology shall be used if it is uniformly provided by the State. Where there is no uniform Chinese translation for the name of a foreigner, a foreign locality or a foreign technical terminology, the term in the original language shall be indicated.第四条(举办原则)举办体育竞赛,应当有益于人民群众的身心健康,有利于体育事业发展,有利于社会主义精神文明建设。 Article 4 Organizational Guideline Sports contests must be organized in the interests of the people''s physical and mental health, of the furtherance of physical culture and of the building up of the ethical and cultural progress under socialism.第四条 国务院体育行政部门主管全国体育工作。国务院其他有关部门在各自的职权范围内管理体育工作。 Article 4 The administrative department for physical culture and sports under the State Council shall be in charge of the work of physical culture and sports throughout the country. Other relevant departments under the State Council shall administer the work of physical culture and sports within their respective functions and powers.