第三十一条 未经布图设计权利人许可,使用其布图设计,即侵犯其布图设计专有权,引起纠纷的,由当事人协商解决;不愿协商或者协商不成的,布图设计权利人或者利害关系人可以向人民法院起诉,也可以请求国务院知识产权行政部门处理。 Article 31 Where a dispute is caused by any exploitation of a layout-design without the authorisation of the holder of right thereof, namely an infringement of his or its exclusive rights in the layout-design, it shall be settled through consultation between the interested parties. Where the parties are unwilling to consult or fail in the consultation, the holder of right of a layout-design or an interested party may institute legal proceedings in the People's Court or request the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council to handle the matter.第三十一条 著作权法第二十二条第(十一)项的规定,仅适用于原作品为汉族文字的作品。 Article 31. Article 22 (11) of the Law shall be applicable only to works originally created in Chinese.第三十一条 使用注册商标,其商品粗制滥造,以次充好,欺骗消费者的,由各级工商行政管理部门分别不同情况,责令限期改正,并可以予以通报或者处以罚款,或者由商标局撤销其注册商标。 Article 31. Where a registered trademark is used in respect of the goods that have been roughly or poorly manufactured, or whose superior quality has been replaced by inferior quality, so that consumers are deceived, the administrative authorities for industry and commerce at different levels shall, according to the circumstances, order rectification of the situation within a specified period, and may, in addition, circulate a notice of criticism or impose a fine, and the Trademark Office may even cancel the registered trademark.第三十二条(不适用范围)机关、企业、事业单位和社会团体举办的本单位、本系统的体育竞赛,不适用本办法。 Article 32 Inapplicability These Procedures do not apply to the sports contests organized by government agencies, enterprises, institutions, or social organizations第三十二条 国家文化行政管理部门根据本法制定实施细则,报国务院批准施行。 Article 32 The state department for cultural administration shall, in accordance with this Law, formulate rules for its implementation, which shall come into force after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.第三十二条 国家实行体育竞赛全国纪录审批制度。全国纪录由国务院体育行政部门确认。 Article 32 The State practices an examination and approval system for national sports records. National sports records shall be confirmed by the administrative department for physical culture and sports under the State Council.第三十二条 著作权人向报社、杂志社投稿的,自稿件发出之日起十五日内未收到报社通知决定刊登的,或者自稿件发出之日起三十日内未收到杂志社通知决定刊登的,可以将同一作品向其他报社、杂志社投稿。双方另有约定的除外。 Article 32 Where a copyright owner has submitted the manuscript of his work to a newspaper or a periodical publisher for publication and has not received any notification of the said publisher's decision to publish the work, within fifteen days from the newspaper publisher or within thirty days from the periodical publisher from the date of submission of the manuscript, the copyright owner may submit the manuscript of the same work to another newspaper or periodical publisher for publication unless the two parties have agreed otherwise.第三十二条 物权受到侵害的,权利人可以通过和解、调解、仲裁、诉讼等途径解决。 Article 32 Where a real right is damaged, the right holder may settle the problem by means of conciliation, mediation or arbitration, etc.第三十二条 申请人依照专利法第三十条的规定办理要求优先权手续的,应当在书面声明中写明第一次提出专利申请(以下称在先申请)的申请日、申请号和受理该申请的国家; Article 32 Where an applicant is to fulfill the formalities for claiming the right of priority in accordance with Article 30 of the Patent Law, he/it shall, in his/its written declaration, indicate the date and the number of the application which was first filed (hereinafter referred to as the earlier application) as well as the country in which that application was accepted.第三十二条 布图设计权利人或者利害关系人有证据证明他人正在实施或者即将实施侵犯其专有权的行为,如不及时制止将会使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的,可以在起诉前依法向人民法院申请采取责令停止有关行为和财产保全的措施。 Article 32 Where the holder of right of a layout-design or an interested party has the evidence that another person is carrying out or will carry out an act of infringement of the exclusive rights in the layout-design, and irreplaceable damages will be caused to his or its lawful rights and interests if the act is not stopped in time, he or it may request the People's Court to take measures to order the relevant act to be stopped and to preserve the property according to law before instituting legal proceedings therein.第三十二条 同著作权人订立合同或者取得许可使用其作品,应当采取书面形式,但是报社、杂志社刊登作品除外。 Article 32. It is a requirement that contracts with copyright owners and licence obtained for using their works be made in writing, except the cases where works are to be published by newspaper and periodicals.第三十二条 注册商标被撤销的或者期满不再续展的,自撤销或者注销之日起一年内,商标局对与该商标相同或者近似的商标注册申请,不予核准。 Article 32. Where a registered trademark has been cancelled or has not been renewed at the expiration, the Trademark Office shall, during one year from the date of the cancellation or removal thereof, approve no application for the registration of a trademark that is identical with or similar to the said trademark.第三十二条 申请人可以在被授予专利权之前随时撤回其专利申请。 Article 32.??An applicant may withdraw his or its application for a patent at any time before the patent right is granted.第三十三条 图书出版者经作者许可,可以对作品修改、删节。报社、杂志社可以对作品作文字性修改、删节,对内容的修改,应当经作者许可。 Article 33 A book publisher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner. A newspaper publisher or periodical publisher may make editorial modifications and abridgments in a work, but shall not make any modifications in the content of the work unless permission has been obtained from the author.第三十三条 申请人在一件专利申请中,可以要求一项或者多项优先权;要求多项优先权的,该申请的优先权期限从最早的优先权日起计算。 Article 33 Any applicant may claim one or more rights of priority for an application for a patent; where more than one right of priority are claimed, the priority period for the application shall be calculated from the earliest priority date.第三十三条(应用解释部门)市体委可以对本办法的具体应用问题进行解释。 Article 33 Department for Interpretation of Application The MPCSC may interpret these Procedures for their specific applications.第三十三条 在竞技体育活动中发生纠纷,由体育仲裁机构负责调解、仲裁。 Article 33 Disputes arising in competitive sports activities shall be mediated and arbitrated by sports arbitration institutions.第三十三条 本法自公布之日起施行。一九六一年国务院颁发的《文物保护管理暂行条例》即行废止。其他有关文物保护管理的规定,凡与本法相抵触的,以本法为准。 Article 33 This Law shall come into force on the day of its promulgation. On that same day, the Provisional Regulations on the Protection and Control of Cultural Relics promulgated by the State Council in 1961 shall be invalidated. This Law shall prevail in case of conflict with other existing provisions for the protection and control of cultural relics.第三十三条 在获得含有受保护的布图设计的集成电路或者含有该集成电路的物品时,不知道也没有合理理由应当知道其中含有非法复制的布图设计,而将其投入商业利用的,不视为侵权。 Article 33 When obtaining an integrated circuit incorporating a protected layout-design, or an article incorporating an integrated circuit, one puts it in commercial exploitation when he or it does not know, nor has any reasonable grounds to know that it incorporates any illegally reproduced layout-design, it is not deemed an infringement.第三十三条 因物权的归属、内容发生争议的,利害关系人可以请求确认权利。 Article 33 Where any dispute over the ownership or content of real right arises, the interested parties may require the confirmation of the right.第三十三条 申请人可以对其专利申请文件进行修改,但是,对发明和实用新型专利申请文件的修改不得超出原说明书和权利要求书记载的范围,对外观设计专利申请文件的修改不得超出原图片或者照片表示的范围。 Article 33. An applicant may amend his or its application for a patent, but the amendment to the application for a patent for invention or utility model may not go beyond the scope of the disclosure contained in the initial description and claims, and the amendment to the application for a patent for design may not go beyond the scope of the disclosure as shown in the initial drawings or photographs.第三十三条 除著作权法另有规定外,合同中未明确约定授予专有使用权的,使用者仅取得非专有使用权。 Article 33. In default of a clear indication in a contract in relation to the grant of exclusive right to use, only non-exclusive right to use by the licensee shall be implied, unless the Law stipulated otherwise.第三十三条 违反本法第五条规定的,由地方工商行政管理部门责令限期申请注册,可以并处罚款。 Article 33. Where any person violates the provisions of Article 5 of this Law, the local administrative authority for industry and commerce shall order him to file an application for the registration within a specified period, and may, in addition, impose a fine.第三十四条(施行日期)本办法自1999年7月1日起施行。 Article 34 Date of Implementation These Procedures shall become effective on July 1, 1999.第三十四条 体育竞赛实行公平竞争的原则。体育竞赛的组织者和运动员、教练员、裁判员应当遵守体育道德,不得弄虚作假、营私舞弊。 Article 34 The principle of fair competition shall be followed in sports competitions. Organizers of competitions, athletes, coaches and referees shall abide by sportsmanship, and may not practice fraud or engage in malpractice for selfish ends.