- 中国工业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 高效选矿及矿产资源综合利用 High-efficiency ore dressing and integrated exploitation of mineral resources
- 高效选矿药剂 High-efficiency ore dressing chemicals
- 高仿真化纤面料 High-emulation chemical fibre fabrics
- 高档织物印染和高技术后整理加工 High-grade fabric dyeing and printing and high-tech after-treatment processing
- 高档包装纸制品 High-grade packing paper products
- 高档卫生洁具及五金配件 High-grade sanitary ware and its metal parts
- 高性能机场安检设备 High-performance airport security-check equipment
- 住宅高性能外围护结构材料与部件 High-performance exterior protection structural materials and components for residential buildings
- 高性能磁性材料 High-performance magnetic materials
- 高性能子午胎 High-performance meridian tyres
- 高性能微型电子计算机 High-performance micro-electronic computers
- 高性能核燃料元件 High-performance nuclear fuel elements
- 高纯五硫化二磷 High-purity phosphorus pentasulphide
- 高速铁路系统 High-speed railway system
- 高速、超硬精密刀具和精密、自动量具量仪 High-speed super-hard precision cutters and precision automatic measurers and measuring instruments
- 高速无线寻呼产品 High-speed wireless paging products
- 高强度异型紧固件 High-strength special-shape tighteners and fixers
- 高技术的轻工、纺织机械 High-tech light-industrial and textile machinery
- 高风温长寿热风炉 High-wind-temperature long-life hot-air blast furnace
- 高产基因工程菌 High-yield gene engineering bacteria
- 公路集装箱运输 Highway container transportation
- 公路快速客货运输 Highway rapid passenger and cargo transportation
- 热、冷轧不锈钢板 Hot and cold rolling of stainless steel plates
- 连铸坯热装热送 Hot loading and hot feeding of continuous casting blanks
- 水力发电 Hydropower generation
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