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(四)转让和出售汽车贷款应收款业务。    (d) transferring and selling auto loan receivables;
(四)未在有较大危险因素的生产经营场所和有关设施、设备上设置明显的安全警示标志的;    d. Failing to place eye-catching safety warning marks on the sites of production and business operation or relevant facilities and equipments which are considerably dangerous;
(四)特种作业人员未按照规定经专门的安全作业培训并取得特种作业操作资格证书,上岗作业的。    d. The special operation staff members failing to receive specialized trainings in production safety and failing to obtain a qualifications certificate for the special operations according to the provisions yet still works at his position.
奶业    Dairy industry
病险水库和堤防的除险加固    Danger removal and consolidation of sick and dangerous reservoirs and embankments
林化工产品深加工    Deep processing of forestry chemical products
平板玻璃深加工    Deep processing of sheet glass
卫生部门要加强对麻黄素单方制剂的管理。    Departments of public health must enhance control over prescribed ephedrine preparations.
公路新型机械设备设计与制造    Design and manufacture of new highway machinery and equipment
港口新型机械设备设计与制造    Design and manufacture of new port machinery and equipment
先进农业技术开发和推广    Development and extension of advanced agricultural technologies
低热值燃料及煤矿伴生资源的开发利用    Development and utilization of low-heat value fuels and associated resources in coal mines
半导体、光电子专用材料开发    Development of special-purpose materials for transistors and photo-electronics
爱滋病及放射免疫类等诊断制剂    Diagnosis agents for AIDS and radiation immunization
数字音视频广播系统及产品    Digital audio-visual broadcasting systems and products
数字集群通信系统设备    Digital cluster telecommunications systems and equipment
数字彩色电视机    Digital color television
数字交叉连接设备    Digital cross-connection equipment
数字录放像技术    Digital image recording and playing technology
数字多功能电话机    Digital multi-function telephones
直接还原    Direct reduction
不得在网络上散发恶意信息,冒用他人名义发出信息,侵犯他人隐私;不得制造、传播计算机病毒及从事其它侵犯网络和他人合法权益的活动。    distributing malicious information, giving out information in other people's names and violating others' privacy through networks; developing and spreading computer viruses and engaging in other activities in violation of legitimate rights and interests of networks and individuals.
多普勒雷达技术及设备    Doppler radar technology and equipment
对改装厂生产的产品实行双合格证(整车合格证、底盘合格证)制度。    Double quality certificate system (whole vehicle quality certificate and chassis quality certificate) shall be practiced with respect to the products manufactured by vehicle conversion plants.
干旱地区的人畜饮水和改水工程    Drinking water and water improvement projects for humans and cattle in drought areas
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