中华人民共和国港务监督负责船舶排污的监督和调查处理,以及港区水域的监视,并主管防止船舶污染损害的环境保护工作。 The Harbour Superintendency Administration of the People's Republic of China shall be responsible for supervising, investigating and dealing with the discharge of pollutants from vessels and for exercising surveillance over the waters of the port areas; it shall also be in charge of environmental protection against pollution damage caused by vessels.其各项最高计量标准器具依照《中华人民共和国计量法》的规定,经考核合格后,方可使用。 The highest standard for each kind of measuring instruments shall be put into use only after it is tested and found to be qualified in accordance with the provisions of the Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China.罚款由县级人民政府水行政主管部门报请县级人民政府决定。责令停业治理由市、县人民政府决定;中央或者省级人民政府直接管辖的企业事业单位的停业治理,须报请国务院或者省级人民政府批准。 The imposition of a fine shall be subject to a decision by the people's government at the county level on a report submitted by the department of water administration under the people's government at the county level. The decision on ordering the suspension of business for rehabi1itation shal1 be made by the people's government at the municipal or county level; the suspension of business for rehabilitation for an enterprise or institution directly under the Central Government or a people's government at the provincial level shall be reported to the State Council or the provincial people's government for approval.????征收的超标准排污费必须用于污染的防治,不得挪作他用,具体使用办法由国务院规定。 The income derived from the fee levied for the excessive discharge of pollutants must be used for the prevention and control of pollution and shall not be appropriated for other purposes. The specific measures thereof shall be prescribed by the State Council.检查部门有义务为被检查单位保守技术秘密和业务秘密。 The inspecting authorities shall have the obligation to keep confidential the technological know-how and business secrets of the units inspected.检查机关有责任为被检查的单位保守技术秘密和业务秘密。 The inspecting authorities shall have the obligation to keep the technological and business secrets of the units inspected.被检查的单位应当如实反映情况,提供必要的资料。检查机关应当为被检查的单位保守技术秘密和业务秘密。 The inspection authorities shall keep confidential the technological know-how and business secrets of the units inspected.环境保护部门的监督管理人员所持检查证件须经省辖市级以上人民政府环境保护部门签发。 The inspection credentials as hold by supervisory and administrating personnel of environmental protection authorities must be signed and issued by environmental protection authorities of cities under the jurisdiction of provincial People's Governments, or above that level,检查人员进行现场检查,应当出示证件。 The inspectors shall produce their credentials before conducting on-the- spot inspection.安装的雷电灾害防护装置应当符合国务院气象主管机构规定的使用要求。 The installed lightning protection devices shall meet the operational specifications set by the competent meteorological department under the State Council. 森林、林木、林地的所有者和使用的合法权益,受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。 The legitimate rights and interests of the owners and the users of the forests, trees and woodlands shall be protected by the law; no organization and private individual shall such rights and interests.前款规定的工业设备运行时发出的噪声值,应当在有关技术文件中予以注明。 The level of noise emitted by the industrial equipment in operation mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be specified in relevant technical documents.芦芽山等18处国家级自然保护区名单已经国务院审定,现予发布。 The List of Luyashan Mountain National Nature Reserve and 17 Other National Nature Reserves has been finalized upon examination by the State Council and is hereby promulgated.各地商务、环保部门要广泛开展环境保护法律法规的宣传教育,充分调动公众参与环境监管的积极性,发挥行业协会、商会等中介组织在规范企业环境行为方面的重要作用。 The local commerce department and the local environmental protection department at any level shall fully implement publicity and education of the laws and regulations on environmental protection, extensively encourage the initiatives of the general public to participate in environmental monitoring, and bring into play the important roles of trade associations, chambers of commerce and other intermediary organizations in the regulation of enterprise environmental acts;地方商务主管部门通过省级商务主管部门将该企业出口业务申请情况上报商务部,商务部根据《外贸法》第三十四条和第六十三条的规定,可中止该企业在一年以上三年以下期限内从事对外贸易经营活动,并将处罚决定下发地方商务主管部门,地方商务主管部门据此在相应期限内中止受理有关企业出口业务申请。 The local commerce department shall present the conditions about export business applications filed by the aforesaid enterprises to the Ministry of Commerce via the provincial commerce department. In accordance with the Articles 34 and 63 of the Foreign Trade Law, the Ministry of Commerce may forbid the aforesaid enterprises to perform foreign trade for more than one year but less than three years, and spread the written punishment decisions to the local commerce departments, and based thereon, the local commerce departments shall stop the acceptance of export business applications filed by the aforesaid enterprises within the corresponding terms.大气污染物总量控制区内有关地方人民政府依照国务院规定的条件和程序,按照公开、公平、公正的原则,核定企业事业单位的主要大气污染物排放总量,核发主要大气污染物排放许可证。 The local people's government concerned in the areas for the control of total emission of air pollutants shall check and approve the total emission of major air pollutants by enterprises and institutions and issue them licenses for emission of major air pollutants. It shall do this in accordance with the conditions and procedures provided by the State Council and in line with the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality.有关地方人民政府对取土后的土地组织复垦,对砍伐的林木组织补种。 The local People's government concerned shall organize the reclamation of land on which earth was collected and organize the planting of trees In the place where trees were felled.非地震灾区的各级地方人民政府应当根据震情和灾情,组织和动员社会力量,对地震灾区提供救助。 The local people's governments at all levels in non-earthquake-stricken areas shall mobilize people from all sectors of society to provide aid to the earthquake-stricken areas in the light of the earthquake situation and the disasters inflicted.县级以上地方人民政府负责领导本行政区域内的清洁生产促进工作。 The local people's governments at or above county level shall be responsible for taking the initiative to promote cleaner production in the areas under their administration. 可能发生破坏性地震地区的县级以上地方人民政府应当责成有关部门进行必要的地震应急、救助装备的储备和使用训练工作。 The local people's governments at or above the county level in areas where destructive earthquakes may occur shall charge the departments concerned with the duty of reserving equipment necessary for earthquake emergency and rescue and training people to use them.地方各级人民政府对本辖区的大气环境质量负责,制定规划,采取措施,使本辖区的大气环境质量达到规定的标准。 The local people's governments at various levels shall be responsible for the quality of the atmospheric environment under their own jurisdictions, making plans and taking measures to make the quality of the atmospheric environment under their own jurisdictions meet the prescribed standard.有关的地方人民政府应当按照破坏性地震应急预案,组织有关部门动员社会力量,做好抢险救灾的准备工作。 the local people's governments concerned shall, in accordance with the emergency preplan for destructive earthquakes, see to it that the relevant departments mobilize the community to make good preparations for disaster relief and rescue.芦芽山等18处国家级自然保护区在我国生物多样性保护等方面具有代表性和典型性,建立国家级自然保护区,进一步加强保护和管理,对于保护我国濒危物种资源,维护生态平衡,改善生态环境具有重要意义。 The Luyashan Mountain National Nature Reserve and 17 other national nature reserves are representative and typical in the protection of biodiversity in China. Establishment of national nature reserves and further strengthening of protection and administration are of great significance in the protection of resources of the endangered species in China, keeping the balance of the ecosystems and improving the ecological environment. 本法所称重大建设工程,是指对社会有重大价值或者有重大影响的工程。 The major construction projects mentioned in this Law refer to projects which are of great value to or have a vital bearing on the society.对水土保持设施、试验场地、种植的林草和其他治理成果,应当加强管理和保护。 The management and protection of water and soil conservation facilities, experimental sites, trees and grass planted and other rehabilitation achievements shall be strengthened.语际翻译 版权所有
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