军队环境保护部门负责军用船舶排污的监督和军港水域的监视。 The environmental protection department of the armed forces shall be responsible for supervising the discharge of pollutants by military vessels and exercising surveillance over the waters of the naval ports.环保部门要定期将查处违法违规的情况通报商务部门,作为商务部门受理企业业务申请时的审核依据(企业无需向商务部门提供环保达标证明)。 The environmental protection department shall regularly present the conditions about investigation and handling of unlawful and wrongful acts to the commerce department as the basis for the latter to check the business applications filed by the enterprises (the enterprises need not offer the environmental protection compliance certificates to the commerce department).环保部门认为应当依法采取综合手段予以处罚的,应将有关案件材料通报商务部门,商务部门根据有关规定及时予以处理,并在两周内将有关处理结果反馈环保部门。 The environmental protection department shall send the related case files to the commerce department, if the environmental protection department considers it necessary to impose punishments by comprehensive means. And the commerce department shall timely settle it in accordance with the related provisions, and give a reply the handling results to the environmental protection department within two weeks.各级环保部门要切实加大对有出口产品的排污企业,尤其是“两高一资”企业的环境监管力度。 The environmental protection departments at various levels shall practically strengthen the environmental monitoring over pollutant discharging enterprises that export goods, particularly, over the ""high-polluting, high-energy-consuming and resource-dependent"" enterprises. 沿海省、自治区、直辖市环境保护部门负责组织协调、监督检查本行政区域的海洋环境保护工作,并主管防止海岸工程和陆源污染物污染损害的环境保护工作。 The environmental protection departments of the coastal provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for organizing, coordinating, supervising and inspecting the marine environmental protection work in their respective administrative areas and shall be in charge of environmental protection against pollution damage caused by coastal construction projects and land-sourced pollutants.依照前两款规定被淘汰的设备,不得转让给他人使用。 The equipment eliminated in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs may not be transferred to another for use.建立对外国人开放的猎捕场所,必须经国务院野生动物行政主管部门批准。 The establishment of hunting grounds open to foreigners must be approved by the department of wildlife administration under the State Council.评估结果由国务院地质矿产主管部门确认。 the evaluation results shall be confirmed by the competent department of geology and mineral resources under the State Council.建设过程中发生的水土流失防治费用,从基本建设投资中列支; The expenses for the prevention and control of soil erosion arising in the course of construction shall be allocated from the capital construction investment;生产过程中发生的水土流失防治费用,从生产费用中列支。 the expenses for the prevention and control of soil erosion arising in the course of production shall be allocated from the production cost.涉及科学技术保密的野生动物物种的出口,按照国务院有关规定办理。 The export of the species of wildlife involving scientific and technological secrets shall be dealt with in accordance with relevant provisions of the State Council. 本法所称地震监测设施,是指地震监测台网的监测设施、设备、仪器和其他依照国务院地震行政主管部门的规定设立的地震监测设施、设备、仪器。 The facilities for earthquake monitoring mentioned in this Law refers to the monitoring facilities, equipment, instruments used at the earthquake monitoring stations and other such facilities, equipment and instruments provided in accordance with the regulations of the competent administrative department for seismic work under the State Council.建设项目中防治水污染的设施,必须与主体工程同时设计,同时施工,同时投产使用。 The facilities for prevention and control of water pollution must be designed, constructed and put to use or into operation simultaneously with the main part of a construction project.征收的排污费一律上缴财政,按照国务院的规定用于大气污染防治,不得挪作他用,并由审计机关依法实施审计监督。 The fees collected for discharge of pollutants shall all be turned over to the Treasury and shall be used for the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution as prescribed by the State Council and may not be misappropriated. The auditing authorities shall exercise supervision through auditing according to law.征收的超标准排污费必须用于污染的防治,不得挪作他用。 The fees collected from excessive emission of pollution must be used for prevention and control of pollution and may not be appropriated for any other use.排污费和超标准排污费必须用于污染的防治,不得挪作他用。 The fees paid for pollutant discharge and for excess discharge must be used for prevention and control of water pollution and may not be used for any other purposes.灾情调查结果,应当及时报告本级人民政府。 The findings shall be reported to the said people's governments without delay.????前款规定的罚款由环境保护行政主管部门决定。责令停业、关闭,由作出限期治理决定的人民政府决定;责令中央直接管辖的企业事业单位停业、关闭,须报国务院批准。 The fine as specified in the preceding paragraph shall be decided by the competent department of environmental protection administration. An order for the suspension of operations or shut-down of an enterprise or institution shall be issued by the people's government that set the deadline for the elimination or control of pollution. An order for the suspension of operations or shut-down of an enterprise or institution directly under the jurisdiction of the Central Government shall be submitted to and approved by the State Council.罚款由环境保护部门决定。 The fine shall be decided by the environmental protection department. 固定资产投资工程项目的设计和建设,应当遵守合理用能标准和节能设计规范。 The fixed assets projects for investment shall be designed and constructed in conformity with the standards for rational use of energy and for energy conservation design.在国家确定的重要江河、湖泊可以设立由有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和该江河、湖泊的流域管理机构负责人等组成的防汛指挥机构,指挥所管辖范围内的防汛抗洪工作,其办事机构设在流域管理机构。 The flood control headquarters for major rivers and lakes designated by the state may be established and formed by persons in charge of the relevant people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and persons in charge of the administrative agencies for these rivers and lakes, which shall take control of the flood control and flood fighting work within their jurisdiction and have their agencies in the administrative agencies for rivers and lakes. 下列用能单位为重点用能单位: The following are key energy-using units:合作外方的资质由商务部负责审核。 The foreign party's qualification shall be subject to the examination of the Ministry of Commerce.森林植被恢复费专款专用,由林业主管部门依照有关规定统一安排植树造林,恢复森林植被,植树造林面积不得少于因占用、征用林地而减少的森林植被面积。 The forest vegetation recovery payments shall be used for designated purposes; the competent forestry authorities shall use them, according to relevant stipulations, for afforestation, recovery of forest vegetation; the area of afforestation shall not be smaller than the area of forest vegetation reduced as a result of woodlands occupied or expropriated.森林生态效益补偿基金必须专款专用,不得挪作他用。具体办法由国务院规定。 The forestry ecological efficiency compensation fund shall be used exclusively for its designated purpose and shall not be used for any other purpose. The specific methods shall be formulated by the State Council.语际翻译 版权所有
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