第十一条 国家依法保护气象设施,任何组织或者个人不得侵占损毁或者擅自移动气象设施。 Article 11 The State protects meteorological facilities in accordance with law.No organizations or individuals may seize, damage or destroy meteorological facilities, or relocate them without authorization. 第十一条 植树造林、保护森林是公民应尽的义务。各级人民政府应当组织全民义务植树,开展植树造林活动。 Article 11 Tree planting and forest protection shall be the duties performed by every and each citizen. The people's government at various levels shall organize all the citizens to plant trees as an obligatory duty and conduct afforestation activities.第十一条在防治水土流失工作中成绩显著的单位和个人,由人民政府给予奖励。 Article 11 Units and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in the prevention and control of soil erosion shall be awarded by the people's government.第十一条 任何国家在遵守国际法和中华人民共和国的法律、法规的前提下,在中华人民共和国的专属经济区享有航行、飞越的自由,在中华人民共和国的专属经济区和大陆架享有铺设海底电缆和管道的自由,以及与上述自由有关的其他合法使用海洋的便利。铺设海底电缆和管道的路线,必须经中华人民共和国主管机关同意。 Article 11. All states shall, on the premise that they comply with international law and the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, enjoy the freedom of navigation in and flight over its exclusive economic zone, the freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines and the convenience of other lawful uses of the sea related to the freedoms mentioned above in the exclusive economic zone and on the continental shelf of the People's Republic of China. The routes for the submarine cables and pipelines shall be subject to consent of the competent authorities of the People's Republic of China.???第十一条使用全民所有的水面、滩涂从事养殖生产,无正当理由使水面、滩涂荒芜满一年的,由发放养殖使用证的机关责令限期开发利用;逾期未开发利用的,可以吊销养殖使用证。 Article 11. If any units or individuals that use water surfaces and tidal flats owned by the whole people for aquaculture neglect them for 12 months without a proper reason, the agencies granting aquaculture licences shall order those units or individuals to develop and utilize them within a certain period of time and, if the order is not carried out within the time limit, their aquaculture licences may be revoked.第十一条 造成大气污染事故的单位,必须在事故发生的四十八小时内向当地环境保护部门作出事故发生的时间、地点、类型和排放污染物的数量、经济损失和人员受害等情况的初步报告。 Article 11. It is mandatory for units responsible for air pollution accidents to submit initial reports containing such information as the time, place, and type of the accidents, the quantity of the discharged pollutants, as well as the economic losses and victims involved, to local environmental protection authorities within forty-eight hours from when the accidents occurred. 第十一条 在草原上割灌木、挖药材、挖野生植物、刮碱土、拉肥土等,必须经草原使用者同意,报乡级或者县级人民政府批准,在指定的范围内进行,并做到随挖随填,保留一部分植物的母株。 Article 11. Persons who wish to cut shrubs, dig medicinal herbs or wild plants on the grasslands, scrape alkaline earth off the grasslands or move away fertile soil must secure the agreement of the users of the grasslands and the approval of the people's governments at the township or county level; they must operate within the designated areas, fill the holes in the ground immediately after digging and keep part of the mother plants intact.????第十一条??国务院环境保护行政主管部门建立监测制度,制定监测规范,会同有关部门组织监测网络,加强对环境监测的管理。 Article 11. The competent department of environmental protection administration under the State Council shall establish a monitoring system, formulate the monitoring norm and, in conjunction with relevant departments, organize a monitoring network and strengthen the management of environmental monitoring. 第十一条 开发利用水资源和防治水害,应当按流域或者区域进行统一规划。规划分为综合规划和专业规划。 Article 11. The development and utilization of water resources as well as the prevention and control of water disasters shall be planned in a unified way on the basis of river basins or regions. The plans are divided into comprehensive plans and special plans. 第十一条 海洋石油勘探和其他海上活动需要爆破作业时,应当采取有效措施,保护渔业资源。 Article 11. When offshore oil exploration and other offshore activities involve explosive operations, effective measures shall be taken to protect fishery resources.第十二条煤炭生产许可证的颁发管理机关,应当加强对煤炭生产许可证的监督管理,并实行年检制度。 Article 12 Agencies for issue and administration of coal production licenses shall strengthen the supervision and administration of coal production licenses, and adopt an annual inspection system. 第十二条 建设产生工业固体废物的项目以及建设贮存、处置固体废物的项目,必须遵守国家有关建设项目环境保护管理的规定。 Article 12 Construction of projects which discharge solid waste and of projects for storage and treatment of solid waste must be carried out in compliance with the relevant State regulations concerning the management of environmental protection in respect of construction projects.第十二条设项目对国家或者地方重点保护野生动物的生存环境产生不利影响的,建设单位应当提交环境影响报告书; Article 12 If a construction project produces adverse effects on the environment for the survival of wildlife under special state or local protection, the construction unit shall submit a report on the environmental impact.第十二条受风暴潮威胁的沿海地区的县级以上地方人民政府,应当把防御风暴潮纳入本地区的防洪规划,加强海堤(海塘)、挡潮闸和沿海防护林等防御风暴潮工程体系建设,监督建筑物、构筑物的设计和施工符合防御风暴潮的需要。 Article 12 Local people's governments at or above the county level in coastal areas which are threatened by storm tides should include the prevention of storm tides into the flood control planning within their respective areas , strengthen the construct ion of systems of anti--storm tides works including seawalls (sea dykes), tidewater gates and coastal shelter--forest, and supervise the design and construct ion of buildings and constructions that should meet the requirements for the prevention of storm tides.第十二条矿山建设工程必须按照管理矿山企业的主管部门批准的设计文件施工。 Article 12 Mine construction projects must be constructed in accordance with the design papers approved by the authorities in charge of mining enterprises.第十二条 未经依法批准,任何组织或者个人不得迁移气象台站; Article 12 No organizations or individuals may relocate meteorological offices or stations without legal approval.第十二条 选拔预备役军官的计划,由中央军事委员会确定,人民解放军总政治部会同有关部门组织实施。 Article 12 Plans for the selection of reserve officers shall be decided by the Central Military Commission and implemented by the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army in conjunction with other departments concerned. 第十二条 固定资产投资工程项目的可行性研究报告,应当包括合理用能的专题论证。 Article 12 Special demonstration of rational use of energy shall be included in the feasibility study reports of fixed assets projects for investment. 第十二条 国务院地震行政主管部门和县级以上地方人民政府负责管理地震工作部门或者机构,应当加强对地震活动与地震前兆的信息检测、传递、分析、处理和对可能发生地震的地点、时间和震级的预测。 Article 12 The competent administrative department for seismic work under the State Council and the administrative departments or institutions for seismic work under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall improve their work in examining, transmitting, analysing and processing information about seismicity and precursors of earthquakes and in forecasting the place, time and magnitude of a possible earthquake. 第十二条国务院煤炭管理部门依法负责全国煤炭行业的监督管理。 Article 12 The department in charge of the coal industry under the State Council shall be responsible for supervision and administration of the coal industry throughout the country according to law.第十二条 国家对浪费资源和严重污染环境的落后生产技术、工艺、设备和产品实行限期淘汰制度。 Article 12 The nation shall implement a time-limited system for the elimination of obsolete or obsolescent production technologies, processes, equipment and products gravely hazardous to environments and wasteful of resources. 第十二条 在植树造林、保护森林、森林管理以及林业科学研究等方面成绩显著的单位或者个人,由各级人民政府给予奖励。 Article 12 The people's government at various levels shall award organizations or private individuals who have made outstanding achievements in connection with afforestation, forest protection, forest management and forestry-related scientific research.第十二条县级以上人民政府可以对风景名胜区水体、重要渔业水体和其他具有特殊经济文化价值的水体,划定保护区,并采取措施,保证保护区的水质符合规定用途的水质标准。 Article 12 The people's governments at or above the county level may delineate protection zones for water bodies in scenic or historic sites, major fishery water bodies and other water bodies of special economic or cultural value, and take measures to ensure that the water quality in those protection zones complies with the standards for the designated uses.第十二条各级人民政府应当组织全民植树造林,鼓励种草,扩大森林覆盖面积,增加植被。 Article 12 The people's governments at various levels shall organize every citizen to engage in afforestation and encourage the p1anting of grass, thereby enlarging forest-covered areas and increasing vegetation.第十二条探矿权、采矿权转让后,探矿权人、采矿权人的权利、义务随之转移。 Article 12 The rights and obligations of a person with mineral exploration right or a person with mining right shall be transferred along with the transfer of the mineral exploration right or mining right.