??? 第十二条? 国家对矿产资源勘查实行统一的区块登记管理制度。矿产资源勘查登记工作,由国务院地质矿产主管部门负责;特定矿种的矿产资源勘查登记工作,可以由国务院授权有关主管部门负责。矿产资源勘查区块登记管理办法由国务院制定。? Article 12 The State practises a unified regional registration system for exploration of mineral resources. The department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council shall be responsible for the registration of exploration of mineral resources. The State Council may authorize other relevant competent departments to handle the registration of exploration of specified minerals. Measures for regional registration of exploration of mineral resources shall be formulated by the State Council.第十二条 国务院畜牧兽医行政主管部门,应当自收到畜禽遗传资源引进、输出或者对外合作研究利用审核意见和申请资料之日起20个工作日内,对具备本办法第四条、第六条、第八条规定条件的,签发审批表;对不具备条件的,书面通知申请人,并说明理由。其中,对输出或者在境内与境外机构、个人合作研究利用列入畜禽遗传资源保护名录的畜禽遗传资源,或者首次引进畜禽遗传资源的,国务院畜牧兽医行政主管部门应当自收到审核意见和申请资料之日起3个工作日内,将审核意见和申请资料送国家畜禽遗传资源委员会评估或者评审。评估或者评审时间不计入审批期限。 Article 12 The stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the State Council shall officially sign and issue application form within 20 working days for those qualified for provisions in Article 4, Article 6 and Article 8 upon receipt of examination and verification opinion and application documents on import, export or external cooperative research utilization of livestock or poultry genetic resource; for those unqualified, reasons shall be given to the applicant in written form. Among them, where any livestock or poultry genetic resource include in the protection list is to be exported or researched and utilized within China in cooperation with any foreign institution or individual, or any livestock or poultry genetic resource is imported for the first time, stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the State Council shall submit examination and verification opinion and application documents to National Commission on the Genetic Resource of Animal and Poultry for evaluation or review within 3 working days upon receipt of examination and verification opinion and application documents, and evaluation or review time is not calculated in the examination and approval period.第十二条 再生资源的收集、储存、运输、处理等全过程应当遵守相关国家污染防治标准、技术政策和技术规范。 Article 12 The whole process of collecting, storage, transportation and disposal of renewable resources shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant pollution prevention standards, technical policies and the state specifications.第十二条 向大气排放污染物的单位,必须按照国务院环境保护行政主管部门的规定向所在地的环境保护行政主管部门申报拥有的污染物排放设施、处理设施和在正常作业条件下排放污染物的种类、数量、浓度,并提供防治大气污染方面的有关技术资料。 Article 12 Units that discharge atmospheric pollutants must, pursuant to the provisions of the administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council, report to the local administrative department of environmental protection its existing discharge and treatment facilities for pollutants and the categories, quantities and concentrations of pollutants discharged under normal operation conditions and submit to the same department relevant technical data concerning the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution.第十二条 城市规划部门在确定建设布局时,应当依据国家声环境质量标准和民用建筑隔声设计规范,合理划定建筑物与交通干线的防噪声距离,并提出相应的规划设计要求。 Article 12 When determining the layout of buildings, urban planning departments shall, in accordance with the national standards for acoustic environmental quality and the sound insulation design standards for civil architecture, decide on the rational distance between the structures and the traffic trunk lines in order to keep the structures away form noise as well as the requirements on planning and design accordingly.???第十二条全民所有制单位之间、集体所有制单位之间以及全民所有制单位与集体所有制单位之间的水面、滩涂所有权和使用权的争议,由当事人协商解决;协商不成的,由县级以上地方人民政府处理。当事人对有关人民政府的处理决定不服的,可以在接到通知之日起三十天内,向人民法院起诉。 Article 12. Disputes over the ownership and rights to the use of water surfaces or tidal flats that arise between units under ownership by the whole people, between units under collective ownership or between units under ownership by the whole people and units under collective ownership shall be solved through consultation between the parties concerned. If no agreement is reached through consultation, the disputes shall be handled by a people's government at or above the county level. If a party refuses to accept the decision of the people's government, it may file a suit in a people's court within 30 days after receiving notification of the decision. 第十二条 合理使用草原,防止过量放牧。因过量放牧造成草原沙化、退化、水土流失的,草原使用者应当调整放牧强度,补种牧草,恢复植被。对已经建成的人工草场应当加强管理,合理经营,科学利用,防止退化。 Article 12. Grasslands shall be used rationally and overgrazing prevented. Where aridity, degeneration or soil erosion occurs as a result of overgrazing, users of the grasslands shall be required to reduce grazing and resow forage grass so as to restore vegetation. Where man-made grasslands have already been established, extra control shall be administered; they shall be rationally managed and used in a scientific way, so as to prevent degeneration. 第十二条 任何单位和个人引水、蓄水、排水,不得损害公共利益和他人的合法权益。 Article 12. No unit or individual shall, while channeling, storing or discharging water, infringe upon public interests or the lawful rights and interests of other people. 第十二条 对勘探开发过程中使用的油料,应当加强管理,防止发生漏油事故。残油、废油应当予以回收,不准排放入海。 Article 12. Oils used in the course of exploration and exploitation shall be put under strict control so as to prevent accidents from oil leakage. Residual and waste oils shall be recovered and must not be discharged into the sea.????第十二条??县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门,应当会同有关部门对管辖范围内的环境状况进行调查和评价,拟订环境保护规划,经计划部门综合平衡后,报同级人民政府批准实施。 Article 12. The competent departments of environmental protection administration of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, make an investigation and an assessment of the environmental situation within areas under their jurisdiction, draw up plans for environmental protection which shall, subject to overall balancing by the department of planning, be submitted to the people' s government at the same level for approval before implementation.第十二条 中华人民共和国在行使勘查、开发、养护和管理专属经济区的生物资源的主权权利时,为确保中华人民共和国的法律、法规得到遵守,可以采取登临、检查、逮捕、扣留和进行司法程序等必要的措施。 Article 12. The People's Republic of China may, in the exercise of its sovereign rights to explore its exclusive economic zone and to exploit, conserve and manage the living resources there, take such necessary measures as visit, inspection, arrest, detention and judicial proceedings in order to ensure that the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China are complied with.第十二条 环境保护部门和其他监督管理部门的监督管理人员,对管辖范围内的排污单位进行现场检查时,应当出示检查证件或者佩戴标志。 Article 12. When conducting on-site inspections of pollutant-discharge units that fall within their jurisdiction, the supervisory and administrative personnel of environmental protection authorities, or of other supervisory and administrative authorities should produce their inspection credentials, or wear specified symbols.第十三条煤炭生产许可证的颁发管理机关,应当建立、健全煤炭生产许可证的档案管理制度。 Article 13 Agencies for issue and administration of coal production licenses shall institute and perfect a file management system for coal production licenses.第十三条 再生资源回收经营者从事旧货收购、销售、储存、运输等经营活动应当遵守旧货流通的有关规定。 Article 13 Business operators of renewable resources shall comply with relevant regulations of second hand goods circulation to undertaking business of second-hand goods purchase, sales, storage and transportation.第十三条 新建、改建、扩建的建设项目,必须遵守国家有关建设项目环境保护管理的规定。 Article 13 Every project under construction, renovation or expansion must conform to the regulations of the State governing environmental protection.第十三条矿山开采必须具备保障安全生产的条件,执行开采不同矿种的矿山安全规程和行业技术规范。 Article 13 For exploitation of mines, requirements that ensure safe production must be met, and the safety rules and technological standards for mining industry corresponding to the exploitation of different types of minerals must be observed.第十三条国家和地方重点保护野生动物受到自然灾害威胁时,当地政府应当及时采取拯救措施。 Article 13 If natural disasters present threats to wildlife under special state or local protection, the local governments shall take timely measures to rescue them.第十三条 国务院畜牧兽医行政主管部门在20个工作日内不能做出审批决定的,经本部门负责人批准,可以延长10个工作日。延长期限的理由应当告知申请人。 Article 13 If stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the State Council can’t make the decision of examination and approval within 20 working days, the examination and approval can be prolonged for another 10 working days, and the reason for prolonging it shall be given to the applicant.第十三条 依照本法第十条的规定,从退出现役的军官和文职干部中选拔的预备役军官,由部队团级以上单位政治机关提出转服军官预备役的意见,按照规定的权限批准后,到安置地的县人民武装部办理预备役军官登记。 Article 13 In regard to officers and civilian cadres released from active service to be selected as reserve officers as prescribed in Article 10 of this Law, the political departments of their military units at or above the regimental level shall raise proposals for transferring them to the reserve of officers, upon the approval of which by the prescribed authorities, they shall make registration as reserve officers with the people's armed forces departments at the county level in the localities of their resettlement.第十三条 禁止新建技术落后、耗能过高、严重浪费能源的工业项目。 Article 13 It is prohibited to construct new industrial projects that are technically outdated, highly energy-consuming, and prodigiously wasting energy.第十三条山洪可能诱发山体滑坡、崩塌和泥石流的地区以及其他山洪多发地区的县级以上地方人民政府,应当组织负责地质矿产管理工作的部门、水行政主管部门和其他有关部门对山体滑坡、崩塌和泥石流隐患进行全面调查,划定重点防治区,采取防治措施。 Article 13 Local people's governments at or above the county level in areas where mountain torrents may trigger landslides, collapses and mud--rock flows and in other area where mountain torrents frequently occur should organize the departments in charge of geological and mineral administration, water conservancy administrative department s and other relevant department s to conduct a general investigation on hidden dangers of landslides, collapses and mud--rock flows, to delimit zones for focal control, and to take prevention and control measures.第十三条新建、扩建、改建直接或者间接向水体排放污染物的建设项目和其他水上设施,必须遵守国家有关建设项目环境保护管理的规定。 Article 13 New construction projects and expansion or reconstruction projects and other installations on water that directly or indirectly discharge pollutants to water bodies shall be subject to relevant State regulations governing environmental protection for such projects.第十三条 气象专用技术装备应当符合国务院气象主管机构规定的技术要求,并经国务院气象主管机构审查合格; Article 13 Specialized meteorological equipment shall meet the technical requirements specified by the competent meteorological department under the State Council and shall be subject to examination by the said department and its acceptance as qualified. 第十三条煤炭矿务局是国有煤矿企业,具有独立法人资格。 Article 13 The coal mining administrations are State-owned coal mining enterprises each with the status of an independent legal entity. 第十三条 各级林业主管部门依照本法规定,对森林资源的保护、利用、更新,实行管理和监督。 Article 13 The competent forestry authorities at various levels shall, according to the stipulations of this law, exercise administration and supervision over the protection, utilization and renewal of forests.