

从境外引进畜禽遗传资源、向境外输出列入畜禽遗传资源保护名录的畜禽遗传资源的单位,应当自海关放行之日起10个工作日内,将实际引进、输出畜禽遗传资源的数量报国务院畜牧兽医行政主管部门备案。国务院畜牧兽医行政主管部门应当定期将有关资料抄送国务院环境保护行政主管部门。    Any entity engaging in importing livestock or poultry genetic resource from abroad or exporting livestock or poultry genetic resource included in the protection list to foreign shall submit the actual number of importing or exporting livestock or poultry genetic resource to stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the State Council for filing within 10 working days as of the date of Customs clearance, and stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the State Council shall regularly copy and submit relevant documents to environmental protection administrative department of the State Council.
在境内与境外机构、个人合作研究利用畜禽遗传资源的单位,应当是依法取得法人资格的中方教育科研机构、中方独资企业。    Any entity engaging in researching and utilizing livestock or poultry genetic resource within China in cooperation with any foreign institution or individual shall be Chinese education and scientific research organization or wholly Chinese-owned enterprise gaining legal personality by law.
个体采矿造成水土流失,不进行治理的,按照前两款的规定处罚。    Any individual who engages in mining causes soil erosion and fails to carry out rehabilitation shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs.
造成环境噪声污染的设备的种类、数量、噪声值和防治设施有重大改变的,必须及时申报,并采取应有的防治措施。    Any industrial enterprise that intends to make a substantial change in the types or quantity of the equipment that produces environmental noise pollution, in the noise level or facilities for prevention and control of such pollution must submit a report without delay and take prevention and control measures as it should.
水土保持规划的修改,须经原批准机关批准。    Any modification to be made to an approved water and soil conservation plan shall be re-submitted for approval to the original approving department.
  不足150总吨的油轮和不足400总吨的非油轮,应当设有专用容器,回收残油、废油。    Any oil tanker with a gross tonnage of less than 150 tons and any other vessel with a gross tonnage of less than 400 tons shall be fitted with special containers for recovery of residual and waste oils.
危害饮用水源的排污口,应当搬迁。    Any outlet that endangers drinking water sources shall be relocated.
气象设施建设规划的调整、修改、必须报国务院批准。    Any readjustment or modification of the plans shall be submitted to the State Council for approval.
对国计民生可能产生重大影响的灾害性天气警报和补充,订正的气象预报,应当及时增播或者插播。    Any severe weather warning or supplementary or corrected forecast that has a vital bearing on the national economy and people's well being shall promptly be added or inserted into other ongoing programs.
因水污染危害直接受到损失的单位和个人,有权要求致害者排除危害和赔偿损失。    Any unit or individual that has suffered damage directly from a water pollution hazard shall have the right to demand elimination of the hazard and compensation for the damage by the polluter.
在气象探测环境保护范围内,违法批准占用土地的,或者非法占用土地新建建筑物或者其他设施的,依照《中华人民共和国城市规划法》或者《中华人民共和国土地管理法》的有关规定处罚。    Any unit or individual that illegally approves the occupation of land within the limits of the protected environs for meteorological observation or that erects buildings or installations on illegally occupied land within the said limits shall be punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the City Planning Law of the People's Republic of China or the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China.
  对城市中直接从地下取水的单位,征收水资源费;其他直接从地下或者江河、湖泊取水的,可以由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府决定征收水资源费。    Any unit which directly draws groundwater in an urban area shall be charged a water resources fee. The collection of such fees from other units or individuals drawing water directly from subterranean streams, rivers or lakes shall be decided by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government.
??? 单位和个人进入他人依法设立的国有矿山企业和其他矿山企业矿区范围内采矿的,依照前款规定处罚。?    Any units or individuals who enter and mine in the mining areas of State-owned mining enterprises and other mining enterprises established by others in accordance with law shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
  载运2,000吨以上的散装货油的船舶,应当持有有效的《油污损害民事责任保险或其他财务保证证书》,或《油污损害民事责任信用证书》,或提供其他财务信用保证。    Any vessels carrying more than 2,000 tons of oil in bulk as cargo shall hold a valid ""insurance or other financial security certificate for civil liability against oil pollution damage,"" or a ""credit certificate for civil liability against oil pollution damage, "" or furnish other financial credit guarantees.
违反本法第三十三条第二款规定,防洪工程设施未经验收,即将建设项目投入生产或者使用的,责令停止生产或者使用,限期验收防洪工程设施,可以处五万元以下的罚款。    Any violator of the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 33 of this Law who puts the construction project in operation or use while the flood control works have not yet passed the acceptance by the water conservancy administrative department shall be ordered to stop the product ion or use, pass the acceptance of the flood control works within a time limit and may be concurrently fined not more than RMB 50, 000 yuan.
县级以上地方人民政府批准的水土保持规划,须报上一级人民政府水行政主管部门备案。    Any water and soil conservation plan approved by the local people's government at or above the county level shall be submitted to the department of water administration under the people's government at the next higher level for the record.
??? 从事矿产资源勘查和开采的,必须符合规定的资质条件。    Anyone engaged in exploring and mining of mineral resources shall meet the prescribed qualifications.
  有前款第(一)项、第(二)项行为的,处一万元以下的罚款;有前款第(三)项行为的,处应缴纳排污费金额百分之五十以下的罚款;有前款第(四)项、第(五)项、第(六)项、第(七)项行为之一的,处五万元以下的罚款。    Anyone who commits the act specified in sub-paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding paragraph shall be imposed with a penalty of not more than 10,000 yuan; anyone who commits the act specified in sub-paragraph (3) of the preceding paragraph shall be imposed with a penalty of not more than 50% of the fee to be paid for discharge of pollutants; anyone who commits the act specified in sub-paragraph (4), (5), (6) or (7) of the preceding paragraph shall be imposed with a penalty of not more than 50,000 yuan.
本法施行前已在禁止开垦的陡坡地上开垦种植农作物的,应当在建设基本农田的基础上,根据实际情况,逐步退耕,植树种草,恢复植被,或者修建梯田。    Anyone who has conducted reclamation for cultivation of crops on the reclamation-forbidden slopes before the entry into force of this Law shall, on the basis of capital farming construction and in the light of the actua1 conditions, gradually stop the cultivation and, instead, plant trees, grow grass and restore the vegetation, or build terraced fields thereon.
  未取得煤炭生产许可证的,不得从事煤炭生产。    Anyone who has not obtained the coal production license shall be forbidden to engage in coal production.
驯养繁殖国家重点保护野生动物的,应当持有许可证。    Anyone who intends to domesticate and breed wildlife under special state protection shall obtain a license.
持枪猎捕的,必须取得县、市公安机关核发的持枪证。    Anyone who intends to hunt with a gun must obtain a gun license from the public security organ of the county or municipality concerned.
??? 开采矿产资源,必须按照国家有关规定缴纳资源税和资源补偿费。?    Anyone who mines mineral resources must pay resource tax and resource compensation in accordance with relevant regulations of the State.
??? 勘查、开采矿产资源,必须依法分别申请,经批准取得探矿权、采矿权,并办登记;但是,已经依法申请取得采矿权的矿山企业在划定的矿区范围内为本企业的生产而进行的勘查除外。国家保护探矿权和采矿权不受侵犯,保障矿区和勘查作业区的生产秩序、工作秩序不受影响和破坏。?    Anyone who wishes to explore or mine mineral resources shall separately make an application according to law and shall register after obtaining the right of exploration or mining upon approval, with the exception of the mining enterprises that have, in accordance with law, applied for and obtained the right of mining and are conducting exploration within the designated mining area for the purpose of their own production. The State protects the right of exploration and of mining from encroachment and protects the order of production and other work in the mining and exploration areas from interference and disruption.
  在行洪、排涝河道和航道范围内开采砂石、砂金,必须报经河道主管部门批准,按照批准的范围和作业方式开采;涉及航道的,由河道主管部门会同航道主管部门批准。    Anyone who wishes to mine for sand and gravel or placer gold within the extent of a river course through which flood water passes or into which water from water-logged areas is drained, or within the extent of a navigable river, must apply to the department of river administration for approval, and must conduct his mining within the approved confines and in conformity with the approved operation procedures. Where the mining relates to a navigable river, it shall be subject to approval by the department of river administration and the department of navigation.
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