

被申请人提出反请求时,应在其书面反请求中写明具体的反请求及其所依据的事实和理由,并附具有关的证明文件。    When filing a counterclaim, the Respondent must state in his written statement of counterclaim his specific claim and facts and reasons upon which his claim is based, and attach to his written statement of counterclaim any relevant documentary evidence.
实行关税配额管理的进口货物,依照本章第四节的规定执行。    When importing the goods subject to the administration of quotas in customs tariffs, the provisions of Section IV of the present Chapter shall be followed..
仲裁庭自行调查事实,收集证据时,认为有必要通知双方当事人到场的,应及时通知双方当事人到场,经通知而一方或双方当事人不到场的,仲裁庭自行调查事实和收集证据的行动不受其影响。    When investigating and collecting evidence by itself, the arbitration tribunal shall promptly inform the parties to be present if it considers necessary. Should one party or both parties fail to appear, the investigation and collection of evidence shall not be affected.
户外广告内容需变更的,应当办理变更登记。    When it is necessary to alter the contents of outdoor advertisements, formalities to register the alteration shall be completed.
期满需延长设置的,应当于到期之日前30日内向原审批机关办理延期手续。    When it is necessary to extend the allotted time, formalities for a renewal of the term shall be gone through at the original examination and approval authority within 30 days prior to the expiration of the term.
确需变更的,应当按照申请设置的审批程序办理变更审批手续。    When it is necessary to make alteration, formalities for approval of the alteration shall be completed in the same procedure as formalities for approval for installing outdoor advertising facilities.
举办大型文化、体育、公益活动或者举办各类商品交易会、展销会等活动,需设置临时性户外广告设施的,应当于活动结束后7日内予以撤除,但经原审批机关一致同意允许保留的除外。    When it is necessary to put up temporary advertising facilities for big cultural or sports or public welfare activities, or trade fairs of various kinds, the advertising facilities shall be removed within 7 days after such activities are over, except when they are allowed to remain in place by the unanimous approval of all original examination and approval authorities.
按月计算期限的,按到期月的对日计算;无对日的,月末日为到期日。    When limitation of time is prescribed in months, it expires on the corresponding day of the month when the instrument matures. If there is no corresponding day, the time limit expires on the last day of the said month.
必要时,可以对保险公司进行现场检查或者委托专业中介机构进行现场检查。    When necessary, they may conduct site inspection of an insurance company or entrust a specialized intermediary institution to do so.
需要调出外县(市)的发票查验时,应与该县(市)税务机关联系,使用当地的发票换票证。    When one needs to transfer the invoice out of the county (city) for examination, one shall contact the county (city) tax authorities and use local invoice-changing certificate.
开立支票存款账户和领用支票,应当有可靠的资信,并存入一定的资金。    When opening a cheque account and asking for cheque books, the applicant shall have reliable financial credebility and deposit a certain amount of money.
开立支票存款账户,申请人应当预留其本名的签名式样和印鉴。    When opening a cheque account, the applicant shall reserve a specimen of the signature of his true name and the seal.
中国人民银行发行新版人民币,应当将发行时间、面额、图案、式样、规格予以公告。    When putting forth a new Renminbi issue, The People's Bank of China shall make known to the public the issuing date, face values, designs, patterns and specifications.
应再保险接受人的要求,再保险分出人应当将其自负责任及原保险的有关情况告知再保险接受人。    When requested by the reinsurer, the ceding insurance company shall inform the reinsurer of the ceding insurance company's retained liability and all relevant information with respect to the direct insurance.
?? 金融监督管理部门审查设立申请时,应当考虑保险业的发展和公平竞争的需要。    When reviewing the application for the establishment of an insurance company, the financial supervision and regulation department shall take into consideration the development of the insurance industry and the need for fair competition.
中国保监会及其派出机构对被许可人从事行政许可事项的活动进行监督检查时,应当将监督检查的情况和处理结果填写记录单,由监督检查人员签字后归档。公众有权查阅该记录单。    When supervising and inspecting the licensee’s activities in administrative licensing items, the CIRC and its local offices shall fill in record sheets, recording its supervision, inspection and the results of problem handling. Inspection officials shall sign and file them. The public has the right to read the record sheets.
登记主管机关核准预先单独申请登记注册的企业名称后,核发《企业名称登记证书》。    When the application for a separate enterprise name registration in advance is approved, the competent registration authority shall issue to the enterprise a Certificate of Enterprise Name Registration.
仲裁庭不能形成多数意见时,仲裁裁决依首席仲裁员的意见作出。    When the arbitration tribunal cannot attain a majority opinion, the arbitral award shall be decided in accordance with the presiding arbitrator's opinion.
承揽方修缮房屋或者加工成批非标准化物品,应接受定作方必要的检查和监督。但定作方不得妨碍承揽方的正常工作。承揽方承揽的复制、设计、翻译和物品性能测试、检验等任务,定作方要求保密的,应严格遵守。    When the contractor repairs a building or processes a batch of non-standardized articles, it shall accept necessary inspection and supervision by the ordering party, but the latter may not obstruct the contractor’s normal work. The contractor shall strictly comply with the ordering party’s request to keep confidential the duplications, designs translations, tests and inspections of the performance of certain articles, and other tasks contracted for by the contractor.
债权人提出破产申请时,应当提供关于债权数额、有无财产担保以及债务人不能清偿到期债务的有关证据。    When the creditor is submitting the bankruptcy application, it should provide relevant evidence relating to the amount of the claim, whether or not it is secured with property, and to the inability of the debtor to repay debts that are due.
债权人提出破产申请时,应当提供关于债权数额、有无财产担保以及债务人不能清偿到期债务的有关证据。    When the creditor is submitting the bankruptcy application, it should provide relevant evidence relating to the amount of the claim, whether or not it is secured with property, and to the inability of the debtor to repay debts that are due.
债权人提出破产申请时,应当提供关于债权数额、有无财产担保以及债务人不能清偿到期债务的有关证据。    When the creditor is submitting the bankruptcy application, it should provide relevant evidence relating to the amount of the claim, whether or not it is secured with property, and to the inability of the debtor to repay debts that are due.
债务人提出破产申请时,应当说明企业亏损的情况,提交有关的会计报表、债务清册和债权清册。    When the debtor is submitting the bankruptcy application, it shall explain the circumstances of the enterprise's losses and deliver relevant accounting statements, a detailed list of debts and a detailed list of claims.
债务人提出破产申请时,应当说明企业亏损的情况,提交有关的会计报表、债务清册和债权清册。    When the debtor is submitting the bankruptcy application, it shall explain the circumstances of the enterprise's losses and deliver relevant accounting statements, a detailed list of debts and a detailed list of claims.
债务人提出破产申请时,应当说明企业亏损的情况,提交有关的会计报表、债务清册和债权清册。    When the debtor is submitting the bankruptcy application, it shall explain the circumstances of the enterprise's losses and deliver relevant accounting statements, a detailed list of debts and a detailed list of claims.
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