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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


扣缴义务人必须在法律、行政法规规定或者税务机关依照法律、行政法规的规定确定的申报期限内报送代扣代缴、代收代缴税款报告表以及税务机关根据实际需要要求扣缴义务人报送的其他有关资料。    Withholding agents must submit reporting schedules on taxes withheld and remitted or collected and remitted as well as other relevant information required by the tax authorities to be submitted by the withholding agents based on practical needs within the time limit for tax reporting prescribed in the law or the administrative regulations, or as determined by the tax authorities in accordance with the law or the administrative regulations
国家外汇管理局自收到中国外汇交易中心递交的备案材料之日起20个工作日内,根据本通知规定的条件向申请人下达备案通知书,同时抄报中国人民银行、抄送中国外汇交易中心。    Within 20 workdays since the date when it receives the materials submitted by China Foreign Exchange Trading Center, the SAFE shall send an archive-filing notice to the applicant in light of the requirements prescribed in the present Circular and send copies to the PBC and China Foreign Exchange Trading Center.
证券公司在代销、包销期内,对所代销、包销的证券应当保证先行出售给认购人,证券公司不得为本公司事先预留所代销的证券和预先购入并留存所包销的证券。    Within the period for underwriting the stock issue on a commission or sole agency basis, the securities company shall guarantee to first sell the stocks to subscribers. The securities company shall not reserve the stocks it underwrites to sell or make advance purchases of the stocks it solely underwrites.
在保密期限内,承担保密义务的一方在保密技术非因自己的原因被公开后,其承担的保密义务即予终止。    Within the time of confidentiality, the obligation of one party to confidentiality shall terminate immediately after the confidential technology is disclosed for reasons not of his or its own.
未经国务院证券管理部门批准,发起人不得向社会公开募集股份。    Without approval by the securities regulatory authority under the State Council, the sponsors my not offer shares to the public.
未经批准不得跨规定使用区域携带、邮寄、运输空白发票。    without permission they are not allowed to transcend stipulations to use blank invoices carried, mailed and transported from other regions.
五、水利管理业    Ⅴ. Water Resources Management Industry
七、批发和零售贸易业    Ⅶ. Wholesale and Retail Trade Industry
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