- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (五)查询经营者的银行账户。 (v) inquire about the bank account information of the undertakings concerned.
- (五)联合抵制交易; (v) jointly boycott transactions;
- (五)公司章程规定的其他职权。 (v) other authorities prescribed by the articles of association.
- (五)公司章程规定的其他职权。 (v) other authorities prescribed by the articles of association.
- (五)妨碍商品在地区之间自由流通的其他行为。 (v) other conducts which hinder commodities free flow between regions.
- (五)国务院反垄断执法机构规定的其他文件、资料。 (v) other documents or materials stipulated by antimonopoly execution authorities.
- (五)其他有关制度。 (V) Other related systems.
- (五)国务院规定的其他职责。 (v) other responsibilities stipulated by the State Council.
- (五)擅自以企业财产提供担保; (v) pledging assets of the sole proprietorship enterprise as security without authorization;
- (5)制订公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案; (v) preparing profit distribution plans and plans to cover company losses;
- (5)制订公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案; (v) preparing the company's profit distribution plans and plans to cover company losses;
- (五)价款或者报酬; (v) price or remuneration;
- (五)对实行国家定价、国家指导价的 商品价格和收费标准的制定、调整提出建议。 (v) provide advice on determining and adjusting commodity prices and service fee rates for items which are subject to State stipulated pricing or State guided pricing.
- (五)对国家物价部门管理的商品价格和收费标准提供有关资料,提出价格调整方案; (v) provide information and price adjustment proposals relevant to commodity prices and service fee rates for items which are subject to control by the State commodity price department;
- (五)以合伙企业名义为他人提供担保; (v) provision of security for others in the name of the partnership;
- (五)转借、转让发票监制章和发票防伪专用品; (V) Re-lending or transferring seals for supervising manufacture of invoices and special products for anti-forged invoices;
- (五)提请工商行政管理机关吊销营业执照; (v) request the administration of industry and commerce to suspend the business license of the offender;
- (五)将定量内供应城镇居民 的商品按议价销售的; (v) selling at a negotiable price rationed commodities which are supplied to urban and township residents;
- (五)利润分配表。 (v) statement of profit distribution;
- (五)盗取(用)发票; (V) Stealing (usurping) invoices;
- (五)监事会提议召开时。 (v) The board of supervisors proposes for such a meeting.
- (五)验资证明; (v) the capital verification certificate;
- (五)债券发行的起止日期; (v) the commencing and ending date of the bonds issue;
- (五)本次募股的起止期限及逾期未募足时认股人可撤回所认股份的说明。 (v) the commencing time and expiration time of the share offer, and a statement that in the event the shares have not be placed in full upon the expiration time, the subscribers may revoke their share subscriptions.
- (五)公司在最近三年内无重大违法行为,财务会计报告无虚假记载; (v) The company has not engaged in any material illegal act for the most recent three consecutive years, and the financial and accounting reports thereof contain no misrepresentation;