前款所称进口许可证,包括法律、行政法规规定的各种具有许可进口性质的证明、文件。 The term ""import license"" as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall refer to the various kinds of certificates and documents that are of import nature as provided in laws and administrative regulations..本规定所称境外上市,是指股份有限公司向境外投资人发行的股票,在境外公开的证券交易场所流通转让。 The term ""listing abroad"" used in this set of provisions means to issue stocks to investors abroad and list them for transactions and transfer on the stock exchanges by limited stock companies.本法所称票据,是指汇票、本票和支票。 The term ""negotiable instrument"" as used in this Law means bill of exchange, promissory note and cheque.本法所称非居民企业,是指依照外国(地区)法律成立且实际管理机构不在中国境内,但在中国境内设立机构、场所的,或者在中国境内未设立机构、场所,但有来源于中国境内所得的企业。 The term ""non-resident enterprise"" as mentioned in the present Law means an enterprise which is set up under the law of a foreign country (region) and whose actual management organ is not within the territory of China but who has organs or establishments within the territory of China, or who does not have any organ or establishment within the territory of China but who has incomes sourced in China.商品价格是指各类有形产品和无形资产的价格。? The term ""price of merchandise"" refers to the prices of all kinds of tangible and non-tangible assets.服务价格是指各类有偿服务的收费。? The term ""price of services"" refers to fees collected for services rendered.本法所称价格包括商品价格和服务价格。? The term ""price"" used in the law includes prices of all kinds of merchandise and prices of all kinds of services.前手是指在票据签章人或者持票人之前签章的其他票据债务人。 The term ""prior parties"" means other persons liable for a negotiable instrument who put their signatures thereon prior to the current signer or holder.本法所称居民企业,是指依法在中国境内成立,或者依照外国(地区)法律成立但实际管理机构在中国境内的企业。 The term ""resident enterprise"" as mentioned in the present Law means an enterprise which is set up under Chinese law within the territory of China, or set up under the law of a foreign country (region) but whose actual management organ is within the territory of China.本条第一款、第二款所称其他高级管理人员包括公司财务负责人、董事会秘书和公司章程规定的其他人员。 The term ""senior management personnel"" referred to in the first and second paragraphs of this article include people responsible for the financial and accounting affairs of the company, secretaries of the board of directors and other people as provided for in the articles of association.前款所称背书连续,是指在票据转让中,转让汇票的背书人与受让汇票的被背书人在汇票上的签章依次前后衔接。 The term ""uninterrupted series of endorsements"" as used in the preceding paragraph means that, in the course of negotiation of an instrument, the signature of each endorser negotiating the bill and that of the immediate prior endorsee acquiring the bill shall be the same person's.租金的标准,国家有统一规定的,按统一规定签订;没有统一规定的,由当事人双方协商议定。 The term concerning rent standards shall be concluded in accordance with the State uniform provisions if such provisions exist. In the absence of such provisions, the rent shall be determined through consultation between the parties.第四十七条 合作企业的期限由中外合作者协商确定,并在合作企业合同中订明。 The term of cooperation of a contractual JV shall be decided upon through consultation of the foreign and Chinese parties and regulated in the JV contract.第三联为记帐联,开票方作为记帐原始凭证。 the third form is the form for keeping accounts, the drawer uses it as a primitive voucher for keeping account.合营者的注册资本如果转让必须经合营各方同意。? The transfer of one partys share in the registered capital shall be effected only with the consent of the other parties to the venture.通过招标、拍卖或者其他公开竞争方式出让户外广告设施设置阵地使用权的,市或者区、县工商局应当会同其他审批机关对户外广告设施的设置以及参与竞争者进行预审。 The transfer of the right to use of outdoor advertising facilities installing positions through assignment by means of bid invitation, auction or other forms of open competition, the municipal or district / county SAIC shall have preliminary examinations jointly with other examination and approval organs on the installation of outdoor advertising facilities and on the participating competitors.《合格境内机构投资者境外证券投资管理试行办法》已经2007年4月30日中国证券监督管理委员会第27次主席办公会议审议通过,现予公布,自2007年7月5日起施行。 The Trial Measures for the Administration of Securities Investment Outside the Territory of China by Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors have been deliberated and adopted at the 27th chairmen's executive meeting of China Securities Regulatory Commission on April 30, 2007. They are hereby promulgated and shall enter into force as of July 5, 2007.在省、自治区、直辖市范围内统一式样的发票,由省级税务机关确定。 The unified form of invoice used within the scope of a province, autonomous region or municipality shall be determined by provincial-level tax authorities.对检举、揭发或者协助查处违反外汇管理案件有功的单位和个人,由外汇管理机关给予奖励,并负责保密。 The units and individuals that do meritorious deeds in reporting or exposing cases of violation against rules on foreign exchange management or in assisting relevant departments in handling such cases shall be awarded and kept in secret by the foreign exchange management administration.被检查的单位和扣缴义务人必须据实报告,并提供有关资料,不得拒绝或者隐瞒。 The units and the withholding agents being inspected must report thereto true to fact and provide relevant materials, and may not refuse or make any concealment.经审查合格的单位,由国家密码管理机构发给《商用密码产品销售许可证》。 The units examined to be qualified shall be issued with a Selling License of the Commercial Password products by the State Password Administration Institution.经许可销售商用密码产品的单位未按照规定销售商用密码产品的,由国家密码管理机构会同工商行政管理部门给予警告,责令改正。 The units licensed to sell the commercial password products not selling the commercial password products according to the relevant provisions shall be given a warning and be ordered to revise by the State Password Administration Institution jointly with the administration department of industry and commerce.所代理的非上市公司涉嫌擅自发行股票,构成犯罪的,应当依照《刑法》第一百七十九条之规定,以擅自发行股票罪追究刑事责任。 the unlisted company shall be pursued for criminal liability on charge of the crime of issuance of stocks without approval, pursuant to Article 179 of the Criminal Law if the above unlisted company involves the issuance of stocks without approval, constituting a crime.经检验不合格的商品,即使外方确认,也不准放行。 The unqualified commodities verified by inspection and examination cannot be passed, even if the importer permits.用电方要根据合同规定用电,因特殊用 电时,应事先通知供电方。如无正当理由超负荷用电或不按规定时间用电,应偿付违约金。 The user must use electricity in accordance with the provisions of the contract. If, due to special circumstances, it needs to use more electricity or cannot use electricity at the specified time, it shall notify the supplier in advance. If in the absence of a proper reason for the overload of electricity or for not using electricity at the stipulated time, it shall pay breach of contract damages.