

第一款所列暂准进境货物在规定的期限内未复运出境的,或者暂准出境货物在规定的期限内未复运进境的,海关应当依法征收关税。    In cases where goods allowed temporary entry as specified in the first paragraph fail to be transported out of the country within the specified period of time, or goods allowed temporary exit fail to be transported into the country within the specified period of time, the customs shall levy duties on them in accordance with the law.
按照其他有关法律、行政法规规定应当退还关税的,海关应当按照有关法律、行政法规的规定退税。    In cases where provisions of other related laws and administrative regulations provide for refund of customs duties, the customs shall return the customs duties in line with the competent provisions.
按照其他有关法律、行政法规规定应当退还关税的,海关应当按照有关法律、行政法规的规定退税。    In cases where provisions of other related laws and administrative regulations provide for refund of customs duties, the customs shall return the customs duties in line with the competent provisions.
纳税义务人合并时未缴清税款的,由合并后的法人或者其他组织继续履行未履行的纳税义务;    In cases where taxpayers fail to pay the duty overdue at the time of merger, the juridical person or other organisation formed after merger shall continue to pay the overdue duties.
纳税义务人合并时未缴清税款的,由合并后的法人或者其他组织继续履行未履行的纳税义务;    In cases where taxpayers fail to pay the duty overdue at the time of merger, the juridical person or other organisation formed after merger shall continue to pay the overdue duties.
纳税义务人在减免税货物、保税货物监管期间,有合并、分立或者其他资产重组情形的,应当向海关报告。    In cases where taxpayers undergo merger, division or regrouping of assets during the period when the bonded goods or goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction are under supervision, they shall report to the customs.
纳税义务人在减免税货物、保税货物监管期间,有合并、分立或者其他资产重组情形的,应当向海关报告。    In cases where taxpayers undergo merger, division or regrouping of assets during the period when the bonded goods or goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction are under supervision, they shall report to the customs.
纳税义务人欠税或者在减免税货物、保税货物监管期间,有撤销、解散、破产或者其他依法终止经营情形的,应当在清算前向海关报告。    In cases where taxpayers who owe duty undergo cancellation, disband, go bankrupt or terminate business in accordance with the law during the period when the bonded goods or goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction are under supervision, they shall report to the customs before liquidation.
纳税义务人欠税或者在减免税货物、保税货物监管期间,有撤销、解散、破产或者其他依法终止经营情形的,应当在清算前向海关报告。    In cases where taxpayers who owe duty undergo cancellation, disband, go bankrupt or terminate business in accordance with the law during the period when the bonded goods or goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction are under supervision, they shall report to the customs before liquidation.
海关发现海关监管货物因纳税义务人违反规定造成少征或者漏征税款的,应当自纳税义务人应缴纳税款之日起3年内追征税款,并从应缴纳税款之日起按日加收少征或者漏征税款万分之五的滞纳金。    In cases where the customs discovers that duties are not levied at all or only partially on goods under the customs supervision due to the violation of regulations on the part of taxpayers, it shall pursue and levy duties on the taxpayers within three years, starting from the day of duty payment, and also levy a late fee of 5/10,000 of the amount not levied, starting from the day of duty payment.
海关发现海关监管货物因纳税义务人违反规定造成少征或者漏征税款的,应当自纳税义务人应缴纳税款之日起3年内追征税款,并从应缴纳税款之日起按日加收少征或者漏征税款万分之五的滞纳金。    In cases where the customs discovers that duties are not levied at all or only partially on goods under the customs supervision due to the violation of regulations on the part of taxpayers, it shall pursue and levy duties on the taxpayers within three years, starting from the day of duty payment, and also levy a late fee of 5/10,000 of the amount not levied, starting from the day of duty payment.
海关对纳税义务人申报的价格有怀疑并且所涉关税数额较大的,经直属海关关长或者其授权的隶属海关关长批准,凭海关总署统一格式的协助查询账户通知书及有关工作人员的工作证件,可以查询纳税义务人在银行或者其他金融机构开立的单位账户的资金往来情况,并向银行业监督管理机构通报有关情况。    In cases where the customs is skeptical of the value declared by the taxpayer and the amount of duties involved is huge, the customs may, subject to the approval from the governor of customs directly subordinated to the Customs General Administration, or from the authorized governor of the customs subordinate to the customs directly subordinated to the Customs General Administration, consult the capital transactions of the institutional bank accounts opened by the taxpayer in question with banks or other financial institutions, on the strength of the letter of notice soliciting assistance in enquiring into bank accounts made by the Customs General Administration in a unified manner and the working identity certificates of the related working staff, and notify the banking regulatory authority of the relevant information.
海关对纳税义务人申报的价格有怀疑并且所涉关税数额较大的,经直属海关关长或者其授权的隶属海关关长批准,凭海关总署统一格式的协助查询账户通知书及有关工作人员的工作证件,可以查询纳税义务人在银行或者其他金融机构开立的单位账户的资金往来情况,并向银行业监督管理机构通报有关情况。    In cases where the customs is skeptical of the value declared by the taxpayer and the amount of duties involved is huge, the customs may, subject to the approval from the governor of customs directly subordinated to the Customs General Administration, or from the authorized governor of the customs subordinate to the customs directly subordinated to the Customs General Administration, consult the capital transactions of the institutional bank accounts opened by the taxpayer in question with banks or other financial institutions, on the strength of the letter of notice soliciting assistance in enquiring into bank accounts made by the Customs General Administration in a unified manner and the working identity certificates of the related working staff, and notify the banking regulatory authority of the relevant information.
进出口货物转关运输的,按照海关总署的规定执行。    In cases where the export goods are to be transported from one customs area to another, the provisions of the Customs General Administration shall be followed.
进出口货物转关运输的,按照海关总署的规定执行。    In cases where the export goods are to be transported from one customs area to another, the provisions of the Customs General Administration shall be followed.
以基准汇率币种以外的外币计价的,按照国家有关规定套算为人民币计算完税价格。适用汇率的日期由海关总署规定。    In cases where the foreign currency used is not the type specified in the standard base foreign exchange rate, the value will be converted into RMB customs value by means of cross-conversion in line with the related provisions of the State. The date of foreign exchange applicable will be specified by the Customs General Administration.
以基准汇率币种以外的外币计价的,按照国家有关规定套算为人民币计算完税价格。适用汇率的日期由海关总署规定。    In cases where the foreign currency used is not the type specified in the standard base foreign exchange rate, the value will be converted into RMB customs value by means of cross-conversion in line with the related provisions of the State. The date of foreign exchange applicable will be specified by the Customs General Administration.
加工贸易的进口料件进境时按照国家规定征收进口关税的,其制成品或者进口料件在规定的期限内出口的,海关按照有关规定退还进境时已征收的关税税款。    In cases where the import duties have been levied on imported materials according to the State regulation for processing trade when they enter into China, and the products manufactured with the imported materials or imported materials are exported within the specified period of time, the customs shall return the duties levied at the time of entry according to the relevant regulations.
加工贸易的进口料件进境时按照国家规定征收进口关税的,其制成品或者进口料件在规定的期限内出口的,海关按照有关规定退还进境时已征收的关税税款。    In cases where the import duties have been levied on imported materials according to the State regulation for processing trade when they enter into China, and the products manufactured with the imported materials or imported materials are exported within the specified period of time, the customs shall return the duties levied at the time of entry according to the relevant regulations.
被免费更换的原进口货物不退运出境或者原出口货物不退运进境的,海关应当对原进出口货物重新按照规定征收关税。    In cases where the original import goods to be changed free of charge are not transported out of China or the original export goods are not transported into China, the customs shall levy customs duties on the original import and export goods in line with regulations.
被免费更换的原进口货物不退运出境或者原出口货物不退运进境的,海关应当对原进出口货物重新按照规定征收关税。    In cases where the original import goods to be changed free of charge are not transported out of China or the original export goods are not transported into China, the customs shall levy customs duties on the original import and export goods in line with regulations.
纳税义务人在规定的期限内未作说明、未提供有关资料的,或者海关仍有理由怀疑申报价格的真实性和准确性的,海关可以不接受纳税义务人申报的价格,并按照本条例第三章的规定估定完税价格。    In cases where the taxpayer fails to give explanations and related materials within the specified period of time, or the customs still has reason to question the authenticity and accuracy of the declared value, the customs may refuse to accept the declared value and evaluate the customs value in line with the provisions of Chapter III of this set of regulations.
纳税义务人在规定的期限内未作说明、未提供有关资料的,或者海关仍有理由怀疑申报价格的真实性和准确性的,海关可以不接受纳税义务人申报的价格,并按照本条例第三章的规定估定完税价格。    In cases where the taxpayer fails to give explanations and related materials within the specified period of time, or the customs still has reason to question the authenticity and accuracy of the declared value, the customs may refuse to accept the declared value and evaluate the customs value in line with the provisions of Chapter III of this set of regulations.
经纳税义务人申请,海关可以根据海关总署的规定延长复运出境或者复运进境的期限:    In cases where the taxpayer files an application, the customs may, in accordance with the provisions of the Customs General Administration, extend the period of transportation out of or into the country of the goods:
经纳税义务人申请,海关可以根据海关总署的规定延长复运出境或者复运进境的期限:    In cases where the taxpayer files an application, the customs may, in accordance with the provisions of the Customs General Administration, extend the period of transportation out of or into the country of the goods:
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