五月来在股市投入了近四百八十亿美元 pumping just under $48 billion into the market since May
抽水站 pumping stations番瓜 Pumpkin互相拳打脚踢 punches and kicks were traded专家 pundit瞳孔 pupil未能适应主流教育的学生 pupils who could not fit into the mainstream schools于网上购物 purchased online用信用卡在网上购物 purchases online using a credit card购买钻石保值 purchasing diamonds as a store of value纯属揣测 pure speculation整肃 purge贴纸相 purikura prints/photo stickers清教徒主义 puritanism声称 purportedly/is purported to be**swindler/conman/ fraudsters秘密发展核武 pursue a secret nuclear-weapons programme在不同的人生阶段里持续进修 pursue continuing education at different stages of life在不同的人生阶段里持续进修 pursue continuing education at different stages of life釜山 Pusan(South Korea)推动大学学制改革 push ahead with reforms to our university system推动大学学制改革 push ahead with reforms to our university system推高楼价 push flat prices促使立法会成立专责委员会彻查这件事件 push for a Legco select committee to be set up to
further investigate the matter推动反性倾向歧视立法 push for anti-discrimination legislation based on sexual
orientation强行在三年后合并中大和科大 push through the merger of the Chinese University and
University of Science and Technology in three years 语际翻译 版权所有
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