- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 新世界传动网 New World Mobility
- 新世界电讯 New World Telecommunications
- 新世界电话 New World Telephone
- 纽约 New York
- 美国杜琼斯工业指数 New York Dow Jones Industrial Average
- 纽约证券交易所/纽约证交所 New York Stock Exchange
- 新西兰/纽西兰(惠灵顿) New Zealand(Wellington)
- 新生婴儿 new-borns/a newborn baby
- 纽芬兰 Newfoundland
- 新入职幼儿园教师 newly appointed kindergarten teachers
- 新入职幼儿园教师 newly appointed kindergarten teachers
- 新婚夫妇 newlyweds
- 新闻报导员 news anchors
- 新闻演示文稿 news bulletins
- 新闻集团 News Corp
- 新闻集团会占星电百分之四股权。两家公司将共同于亚洲区内发展宽频互联网及流动通讯服务。 News Corp said it would take a four per cent stake in SingTel. The companies would formed a partnership to develop broadband Internet and wireless business in Asia, they said.
- 新闻人员行政协会 News Executives' Association
- 长者社区支持服务通讯 Newsletter of Community Support Services for Elders
- 新闻人物 newsmaker
- 报章编辑 newspaper editor
- 报贩 newspaper vendors
- 报纸总编辑 newspaper's chief editor
- 香港报章每天都以大量篇幅报导沙士。 Newspapers here in Hong Kong devote pages to the SARS virus every day.
- 新闻纸 newsprint
- 新闻编辑室、新闻编辑部 newsroom