肚脐 navel在往九龙方向的隧道入口附近 near the entrance of the Kowloon-bound lane of the tunnel
附近一个焚烧中的乡村正在冒烟。 Nearby, smoke billowed from a burning village.近半人接受婚前性行为,约五分一人认为婚外情可接受。 Nearly half approve of premarital sex and nearly
one in five think that extramarital sex is acceptable.几乎破产 nearly went bankrupt颈 neck需要改进 need a revamp必须和恐怖主义战闹到底 need to be unyielding in completing the war on terrorism须要立即接受移植手术 needed an immediate transplant须要提出多些证据来支持他们的指控 needed to present more evidence to back up their
accusations(法例等)需要重新审订 needs an overhaul(法例等)需要重新审订 needs an overhaul须要达至收支平衡 needs to balance the budget有需要的病人 needy patients否定 negate负资产家庭 negative equity families负资产 negative household equity/had fallen into negative equity反面教材 negative teaching material谈判代表 negotiator/delegate邻舍辅导会 Neighbourhood Advice Action Council街工 Neighbourhood and Worker's Service Centre长者邻舍中心 Neighbourhood Elderly Centre两人都没有透露任何敏感资料。 Neither man disclosed anything sensitive.双方互不信任。 Neither side trusts each other.双方都鲜谈敏感问题。 Neither sides appeared to have moved far on contentious issues.
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