- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 从不使用安全套 never used a condom
- 滥交时从不使用安全套 never used a condom for casual sex
- 从未入住的 never-occupied
- 高中新学制 new academic structure of senior secondary schools
- 高中新学制 new academic structure of senior secondary schools
- 新楼和二手楼 new and second-hand properties
- 新来港人士 new arrivals
- 每天都有双位数字的新增感染个案。 New cases have been cropping up daily in the double digits.
- 新世纪论坛 New Century Forum
- 新存户 new customers
- 新入行的 new entrants
- 新施工单位在去年第四季回落至只有一千个。 New home starts dropped to 1,000 in the last quarter of last year.
- 新生精神康复会 New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
- 新奥尔良 New Orleans
- 新党主席郁慕明 New Party Chairman Yok Mu-ming
- 新请的员工 new recruits/new hires(AmE)
- 监管楼宇内部认购的新规例 new rules governing internal sales of flats
- 新加入「一条龙」计划的中学每年须预留百分之二十的中一学位予非直属小学的学生报读。 New schools would be required to leave 20 per cent of their secondary one places to students outside the ''through-train'' scheme.
- 香港新电讯 New T & T
- 新界联盟 New Territories Alliance
- 新界的士 New Territories taxi
- 新约 New Testament
- 新世界发展集团主席郑裕彤 New World Development chairman Cheng Yu-tung
- 新世界发展见市场景气,趁机发行新股集资十二亿五千万元,偿还旧债。 New World Development (NWD) is tapping a rising stock market for $1.25 billion to repay debt by issuing new shares.
- 新世界第一巴士服务有限公司 New World First Bus Services Ltd.