- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 总统提名初选 nomination primary
- 立法会选举提名期于昨日结束。今年立法会选举共有一百五十六名候选人,将于下个月举行。 Nominations for next month's Legislative Council elections closed with 156 candidates yesterday.
- 无党派的 non-affiliated
- 不守守则的人 non-compliance
- 非紧急病人 non-emergency patients
- 民间组织 non-governmental organisations (NGO)
- 非本地居民/非香港居民 non-Hong Kong residents
- 非原居民 non-indigenous villagers
- 非本地学生 non-local students
- 免入息审查贷款计划 Non-means Tested Loan Scheme
- 非官守成员 non-official members
- 行政会议非官方成员 non-official members of the Executive Council/Executive Council members without portfolio
- 非和平手段 non-peaceful measures
- 庸才 non-performers
- 非牟利幼儿园 non-profit kindergartens
- 不可更新资源 non-renewable resources
- 非吸烟区 non-smoking area
- 易洁镬 non-stick fry pan
- 所有样本均未能符合世界卫生组织所定下的标准。 None of the samples fully meet specifications laid down by the World Health Organisation.
- 非牟利机构 nonprofit organisation
- 温和派的回教徒 nonradical Muslims
- 不投票的人 nonvoters
- 正常经济活动 normal economic activities
- (列车)服务于十分钟后回复正常。 Normal service was resumed after 10 minutes.
- 与中国关系正常化 normalized relations with China