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北区    North
北韩的确拥有核武。    North Korea indeed possesses nuclear weapons.
北韩迁移首都平壤和其它城市的二百万人口到乡郊,似是要为其危机深重的农业增加新力军。    North Korea is relocating two million people from its capital and other cities to the countryside in an apparent attempt to add workers to its battered farm industry.
北韩建国者金日成    North Korea's founder Kim Il Sung
北韩核武计划    North Korea's nuclear weapons programme
北韩特务    North Korean agents
北韩的核武挑衅    North Korean nuclear belligerence
北韩总统金正日    North Korean President Kim Jong Il
北大屿山公路    North Lantau Highway
北角    North Point
北海    North Sea
北方联盟    Northern Alliance
美国西北航空    Northwest Airlines Inc.
挪威(奥斯陆)    Norway(Oslo)
挪威海    Norwegian Sea
鼻    nose
鼻孔    nostril
秘方、骗人的假药    nostrum
决不允许任何人进行针对中央政府的活动    not allow anyone to stage activities against the central government
不符合保外就医的资格    not eligible for medical bail
没有新闻价值    not newsworthy
这样处理医学废料不只影响卫生,还是不尊重死者。    Not only does this kind of treatment of medical waste affect the health environment, it is also disrespectful to the dead.
反对议案的议员并没有表达他们的意见,表决时只有五名民主党议员在场。    Not that many of the bill's opponents were there to make their voices heard - only five Democrats were present at the time of the vote.
不要屈服于中央政府压力    not to bow to pressure from mainland leaders
不要自欺欺人    not to deceive oneself as well as others
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